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On Display at Clarkston: Display -- March 2011

A guide for the content of Georgia State Unierversity's Perimeter College Clarkston Library's bulletin board displays.

On Display -- March 2011

Featured Web Sites

Isaac Newton and the History of Physics

Ball, W. W. Rouse
Sir Isaac Newton (1642 - 1727)

Trinity College Dublin

The extraordinary abilities of Newton enabled him within a few years to perfect the more elementary of those processes, and to distinctly advance every branch of mathematical science then studied, as well as to create some new subjects.

History -- Historic Figures: Isaac Newton


Offers a brief biography of Isaac Newton, complete with names, dates, locations, and no mathematics or diagrams.
Source: Eileen H. Kramer

Great Ideas in Physics
Ackroyd's biography of Isaac Newton
In the Presence of the Creator

Newton's Dark Secrets -- A Complicated Man

PBS Nova

Is the Newton-and-the-apple story true? Does anybody really understand the Principia? Was Newton a nice guy? In this interview, Dr. Jed Buchwald, an historian of physics and professor of history at the California Institute of Technology, answers these and other provocative questions about the man many consider to be the greatest scientist who ever lived.


Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Learn Physics Today!

An outline of basic noncalculus-based physics including: mechanics, optics, and electricity.
Source: Eileen H. Kramer

Fear of Physics: Physics Explained -- Finally

We created this site to be a friendly, non-technical place for you to come and "play" with the laws of physics for a while. Hopefully you'll find that Physics explains a lot about the world around us, and that it's really not that bad! Enjoy!


A Flash-based tutorial that explains with words and pictures about the physics of everyday objects and processes.
Source: Eileen H. Kramer

How Things Work Physics in Everyday Life
Physics Without Mathematics

Online History Exhibits

American Institute of Physics

Features illustrated articles with Flash introductions on a variety of topics related to physics and engineering. Emphasis is on developments in the United States in the Twentieth Century. Articles require an interest in science but do not need mathematical background for you to understand them.
Source: Eileen H. Kramer

Physics Formulas
Physics Formulas

Explains forumlas for the physics of mechanics, light, sound and electricity with words and word equations and a minimum of mathematics.
Source: Eileen H. Kramer

Ward David W.
Physics the Google Way

A detailed PDF (Adobe Acrobat Required) article that explains how to perform physics and astronomy calculations with Google's calculator.
Source: Eileen H. Kramer

Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Physics for Scientists and Engineers
Classical Mechanics


Hahn, Karl
Karl's Calculus Tutor

Enter the tutorial (below) or search this website for a calculus topic. You will find coverage of limits, continuity, derivatives, related rates, optimization, L'Hopital's rule, integration, and much more. There are dozens of problems worked out for you step-by-step. If you are having difficulty with a calculus topic, you are encouraged to go to the appropriate section, look at the text, and then follow along with the worked problem.

O'connor, J. J. and E.F. Robertson
History of the Calculus

School of Mathematics and Statistics, University of St. Andrews Scotland.

An extensive article detailing the creation of calculus, from the ancient Greeks to Newton and Leibniz. Making sense of this site requires some high school mathematics. The site also includes a list of references, many in foreign languages and/or unvailable at Georgia Perimeter College (Now Perimeter College at Georgia State University).
Source: Eileen H. Kramer

Left panel of the display
Center panel of the display
Right panel of the display
Broad view of the display case
Long view of the display case

Click on any of the thumbnail images above to see a full size image. Full size images pop up in another window.

The Calculus Lifesaver
Newton's Gift
Calculus and Pizza

Velocity of a racing car
Acceleration on an incline plane
Force on a soda can

Portrait of Isaac Newton
Cliff's Nodes: Editorials from the Physics Teacher
Calculus for the Utterly Confused

Happy Belated Birthday Isaac Newton

Isaac Newton had a birthday back on January 4th. Newton is the father of most of the mechanics taught in typical college and high school physics' courses, and the co-inventor of calculus. Physics and calculus are both scarey topics for most students, but hopefully the books and web sites in this display will make them a little bit easier. This display also includes web sites and books that detail the history of physics and Newton's biography.

Items in this display aim at audiences with a wide spectrum of math and science interest and ability. Some use no mathematics. Others require knowledge of algebra and formulae, while a few even require calculus. Read the descriptions carefully.

To see other displays stop by the DISPLAY ARCHIVE

Isaac Newton and the History of Physics

Ackroyd, Peter.
Isaac Newton. New York: Doubleday, 2006.
Call Number: QC16.N7 A48 2006

While the prolific Ackroyd (London, among many others), in this addition to his Brief Lives series, doesn't provide new insights into one of the greatest scientists who ever lived, he does present a well-written distillation of the life and accomplishments of Isaac Newton (1642–1727).

Berlinski, David.
Newton's Gift: How Sir Isaac Newton Unlocked the System of the World. New York: Free Press, 2000.
Call Number: QC16.N7 B48 2000

Who else could have constructed the basis for modern science out of an apple? Sir Isaac Newton, the celebrated genius behind the Principia Mathematica, lived inside his head--but not so much as to make his story dull. Mathematician and writer David Berlinski takes a new tack on the man's biography by approaching it through his work.

Casper, Barry M. and Richard J. Noer.
Revolutions in Physics. New York: Norton, 1972.
Call Number: QC125.2 .C36

Although the average reader, whose interests lie outside the sciences, will find a superficial survey of physics both dull and confusing, he may well become fascinated by a more penetrating view of selected topics presented in a relevant perspective.
Source: Casper, Barry M. and Richard J. Noer. "Front Flap." Revolutions in Physics. New York: Norton, 1972.

Christanson, Gale E.
In the Presence of the Creator: Isaac Newton and his Times. New York: Free Press, 1984.
Call Number: QC16.N7 C49 1984

This is a fascinating account of Sir Isaac Newton and the times in which he lived. This account is accessible to the non-mathematical student of history and is primarily concerned with the events that shaped the world's view of Newton's genius.

Christianson, Gale E.
Isaac Newton. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Call Number: QC16.N7 C51 2005 (Ebrary)

Quarrelsome and quirky, a disheveled recluse who ate little, slept less, and yet had an iron constitution, Isaac Newton rose from a virtually illiterate family to become one of the towering intellects of science. Now, in this fast-paced, colorful biography, Gale E. Christianson paints an engaging portrait of Newton and the times in which he lived.

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Cohen, I. Bernard and George E. Smith.
The Cambridge Companion to Newton. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2002.
Call Number: QC16.N7 C35 2002

Sir Isaac Newton (1642-1727) was one of the greatest scientists of all time, a thinker of extraordinary range and creativity who has left enduring legacies in mathematics and the natural sciences. In this volume a team of distinguished contributors examine all the main aspects of Newton's thought, including not only his approach to space, time, mechanics, and universal gravity in his Principia, his research in optics, and his contributions to mathematics, but also his more clandestine investigations into alchemy, theology, and prophecy, which have sometimes been overshadowed by his mathematical and scientific interests.

Cropper, William, H.
Great Physicists: The Life and Times of Leading Physicists from Galileo to Hawking. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Call Number: QC15 .C76 2001

This book provides encapsulated histories of 30 physicists who have made major contributions to the development of physics over the last five centuries, from Galileo to Hawking. ... This has the wonderful effect of laying out the development of physics in an exciting continuous stream, interweaving the social and scientific lives of all the scientists very effectively.

Gleick, James.
Isaac Newton. New York: Vintage Books, 2004.
Call Number: QC16.N7 G55 2004

A portrait of one of the world's greatest scientific minds traces the evolution of Isaac Newton's scientific thought, from his early years at Cambridge University through his critical contributions to the history of science.

Iliffe, Robert.
Newton: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2007.
Call Number: Q143.N495 .I55 2007 (Ebrary)

Slim yet informative...The style is elegant and he steers through the shoals of Newton's difficult personality - he made enemies everywhere he went - and the more controversial aspects of his career - the alchemy and heresy - with an assured hand.

Lightman, Alan P.
Great Ideas in Physics. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1992.
Call Number: QC21.2 .L54 1992

What does it mean to say that time and space are relative? How can an electron be in two places at once? For anyone who wants a basic understanding of the physical processes that define the universe, Lightman provides the perfect introduction in Great Ideas in Physics. In addition to explaining physics, he brings in relevant passages from philosophy and literature to demonstrate how these great ideas have impacted the world of thought.

Manuel, Frank Edward.
A Portrait of Isaac Newton. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1968.
Call Number: QC16.N7 M3

The innermost secrets of Isaac Newton have not been uncovered. Though the curtain may be raised briefly, one goes away burdened with doubt about what has actually been seen in that fleeting moment. And yet the historian can hardly refrain from trying to construct the deeper meaning of acts and words.
Source: Manuel, Frank Edward. "Introduction." A Portrait of Isaac Newton. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1968.

Newton, Isaac.
Correspondence. vol. I-IV. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1959.
Call Number: QC16.N7 A4

The first four volumes of a six volume set featuring Isaac Newton's letters, covering his professional and some of his personal life.
Source: Eileen H. Kramer

Newton, Roger G.
What Makes Nature Tick? Cambridge, MA: Harvard University
Call Number: QC21.2 .N53 1993

Newton has directed his book to anyone with a modest background in basic science who wants to understand why and how our current view of nature has developed. He blends ideas such as symmetry, causality, action at a distance, and time's arrow (among others) into the body of knowledge that has been developed over the past three centuries.

Stayer, Marcia Sweet.
Newton's Dream. Kingston, ON: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1988.
Call Number: QA803 .N484 1988 (Ebrary)

This lively collection of lectures presented at the symposium by prominent scholars was collected and edited by Marcia Stayer with the assistance of Boris Castel. The chapters outline the influence of the Principia on the work of Newton's contemporaries - such as Adam Smith - and on many areas of present-day science: particle physics, optics, astronomy, and non-mechanical fields such as computer theory.

Swartz, Clifford
Cliff's Nodes: Editorials from the Physics Teacher. Baltimore, MD:Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.
Call Number: QC30 .S93 2006

Here in a colection of editorials written for The Physics Teacher magazine -- along with a few new ones, he [the author] cajoles, chides, preaches, and provides a good swift kick in the intellectual pants for those who are working to share physics with the next generation.
Source: Swartz, Clifford "Back Cover." Cliff's Nodes: Editorials from the Physics Teacher. Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2006.

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Physics without Advanced Mathematics

Benett, Clarence E.
Physics Without Mathematics. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1970.
Call Number: QC23 .B438 1970

The author of the present text has come to feel that the answer does not lie so much in eliminating most of the technical parts of the subject as it does in divorcing the subject matter of physics as m uch as possible from arithmetric (sic), for it is the numerical part of physics at which the nonscience student shudders with the usual comment that he never could "see" mathematics.
Source: Bennet, Clarence, E. "Preface." Physics Without Mathematics. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1970.

Bloomfield, Louis.
How Things Work: The Physics of Everyday Life. New York: Wiley, 1997.
Call Number: QC21.2 .B59 1997

This book is an unconventional introduction to physics and science that starts with whole objects and looks inside them to see what makes them work. It's written for students who seek a connection between science and the world in which they live. How Things Work brings science to the reader rather than the reverse.

Clark, John Owen Edward.
Matter and Energy: Physics in Action. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.
Call Number: QC21.2 .C595 1994

Never before has the study of matter and energy been so comprehensively presented to such a wide variety of readers. With Matter and Energy: Physics in Action in hand, students and general readers alike will have an invaluable guide to the endlessly intriguing world of physics.

Cutnell, John D. and Kenneth W. Johnson.
Physics. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2007.
Call Number: QC23.2 .C87 2007

This bestselling book helps readers understand the interrelationships among basic physics concepts and how they fit together to describe our physical world. Real-world physics applications are presented throughout the chapters, including many biomedical applications, to show how physics principles come into play over and over again in our lives.

De Pree, Christopher Gordon and Ira Maximilian Freeman.
Physics Made Simple New York: Broadway Books, 2004.
Call Number: QC23.2 .D4 2004

First published in 1954, this approach to physics is a welcome relief from the standard intimidating textbooks. It features timely and engaging examples and common applications of theories, historical anecdotes of significant discoveries, and clear and contemporary graphics.

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Hamann, H. T. , John Morse, and Emiliano Sefusatti.
Categories-- On the Beauty of Physics: Essential Physics Concepts and their Companions in Art and Literature. New York: Vernacular Press, 2005.
Call Number: QC24.5 .C37 2005

We live in a world where the physics has become increasingly relevant to day to day living. The fast pace of change, the impact of technology (especially Nanotechnology), and the way we perceive ourselves and our place in the universe raises philosophical questions which impact on the way we live and the choices we make about our lives. Physics may be increasingly complex and mathematical at the advanced scientific level, but for the layman who looks up into the sky at night, or who is trying to make sense of life and death in the context of what we understand about molecular behaviour, it is all poetry, and sometimes very evocative/suggestive poetry.

Holzner, Steven.
Physics for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Publishing, 2006.
Call Number: QC24.5 .H65 2006

Thanks to this book, you don’t have to be Einstein to understand physics. As you read about Newton’s Laws, Kepler’s Laws, Hooke’s Law, Ohm’s Law, and others, you’ll appreciate the For Dummies law: The easier we make it, the faster people understand it and the more they enjoy it!

Karplus, Robert.
Physics and Man. New York: W. A. Benjamin, 1970.
Call Number: QC21.2 .K37 1970

What is physics? The answer to this question as provided by a textbook may seem formal and remote from human concerns, since physical models and theories are abstractions from experience. In this small volume of selected readings, I have tried to give a different kind of answer, an answer that reveals some of the personal, social, and humanistic elements in physics.
Source:Karplus, Robert. "Preface." Physics and Man. New York: W.A. Benjamin, 1970.

Krauss, Lawrence Mexwell.
Fear of Physics: A Guide for the Perplexed New York: BasicBooks, 1993.
Call Number: QC21.2 .K73 1993

In describing "the flavor of physics" and how physicists "do" and have "done" physics, this short, charming, quick-paced book conveys the joy of "making new connections" in the physical world. Aiming his book at the nonscientist, the author hopes to give readers their own insight into the wonder associated with the art of physics and the symmetry and hidden realities of the world.

Kumar, B.N.
Basic Physics for All. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2009.
Call Number: QC23.2 .K86 2009

This is a simple, concise book for both student and non-physics students, presenting basic facts in straightforward form and conveying fundamental principles and theories of physics. This book will be helpful as a supplement to class teaching and to aid those who have difficulty in mastering concepts and principles.

Kunhn, Karl F.
Basic Physics: A Self-Teaching Guide. New York: Wiley, 1996.
Call Number: QC23 .K74 1996

Here is the most practical, complete, and easy-to-use guide available for understanding physics and the physical world. Even if you don't consider yourself a "science" person, this book helps make learning key concepts a pleasure, not a chore.

Lehrman, Robert L.
E-Z Physics. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, 2009.
Call Number: QC23.2 .L44 2009

E-Z Physics include motion, forces, energy, heat, wave motion, noise and music, electricity, magnetism, electromagnetic waves, the properties of light, and an introduction to nuclear physics.

March, Robert H.
Physics for Poets. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1996.
Call Number: QC23 .M334 1996

Very accessible, brief, introduction to physics for the non-science major. A text written for the curious, non-scientist who wants to know how modern physics came to be, and figure out what lies behind the stories in the science columns of their newspapers.

Markvenas, Anthony J.
Elements of Motion. West Haven, CT: Pendulum Press, 1975.
Call Number: QC127.3 .M37

A primer on basic mechanics with readable text, helpful illustrations, and no calculus.
Source: Eileen H. Kramer

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Mills, Tim.
Physics at a Glance. London: Manson, 2008.
Call Number: QC32 .M555 2008 (Ebrary)

This book aims to cover the specifications of the main examination boards for GCSE Double Science, GCSE Single Science and the core content of GCSE Physics. Just like the other books in the series on Biology and Chemistry each page contains clear annotated illustrations that will help the reader to assimilate the facts quickly and commit them to memory. The book also contains questions to reinforce understanding of the essential content of each topic.

Myers, Richard L.
The Basics of Physics. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 2006.
Call Number: QC21.3 .M94 2006

Myers has written, for the Basics of the Hard Sciences series, an introductory book for students with a broad prospective. The basics of classical, quantum, and nuclear physics, as well as relativity, are discussed with many diagrams and tables for the uninitiated. A section is provided with physics experiments that are simple enough for most high school students. Myers offers a brief history of the theories and facts presented, something missing in many science works.

Robertson, William C. and Brian Diskin.
Force and Motion. Arlington, VA:NSTA press, 2002.
Call Number: QC133 .R63 2002

Intimidated by inertia? Frightened by forces? Mystified by Newton s law of motion? You re not alone and help is at hand. The stop Faking It! Series is perfect for science teachers, home-schoolers, parents wanting to help with homework all of you who need a jargon-free way to learn the background for teaching middle school physical science with confidence. With Bill Roberton as your friendly, able but somewhat irreverent guide, you will discover you CAN come to grips with the basics of force and motion.

Sherwoord, Martin.
The Physical World. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
Call Number: QC21.2 .P475 1988

We are surrounded by science in action, yet few of us understand the physical and chemical processes at work in everyday life. Now, for everyone who has ever wondered how or why these events take place, comes The Physical World, an immensely readable, up-to-date survey of scientific knowledge. Using clear, informative "how-it-works" diagrams and hundreds of full-color illustrations, the volume unravels the processes that underlie a vast range of products and phenomena.

Wiggins, Arthur W.
The Joy of Physics. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, 2007.
Call Number: QC24.5 .W55 2007

Based on materials he developed for his own classes, the latest from author and retired professor Wiggins makes genuine fun out of rigorous science. Wiggins begins by introducing the why and how of physics's quest to understand the workings of the universe, keeping any off-putting math on the backburner; each subsequent chapter goes into detail regarding a particular aspect of physics, starting with motion and continuing through to quarks, quanta and quasars.

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Physics with Advanced Mathematics

Arya, Atam Parkash.
Introduction to Classical Mechanics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1998.
Call Number: QC125.2 .A79 1998

Featuring state-of-the-art computer based technology throughout, this comprehensive book on classical mechanics bridges the gap between introductory physics and quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics and optics—giving readers a strong basis for their work in applied and pure sciences.

Besiser, Arthur.
Modern Technical Physics. Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley, 1987.
Call Number: QC23 .B4143 1987

Modern Technical Physics is suitable for a technical physics course such as Electrical Engineering Technology students might take. It is exceptionally well written and straightforward.

Betts, John E.
Essentials of Applied Physics. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1989.
Call Number: QC23 .B563 1989

Intended for a one or two semester course in applied physics, this easy to read text assumes no prior knowledge of physics. Numerous examples are used to link theory to practical applications. Emphasis on the analysis of data and problem solving.

Fishbane, Paul M. and Stephen Gasiorowicz.
Physics for Scientists and Engineers Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005.
Call Number: QC23.2 .F58 2005

The third edition of this best-selling book remains vigorous (sic) while including a number of new elements which emphasize conceptual understanding. These elements include conceptual examples, “Think About This” sections, and worked examples.

Fischer-Cripps, Anthony C.
The Physics Companion. Briston, UK: Institute of Physics, 2003.
Call Number: QC21.3 .F58 2003

Fischer-Cripps has prepared an excellent compendium of definitions and relationships from mainly classical physics. The material covers thermal physics, optics (waves and geometric), electricity and magnetism, mechanics, and matter … The material is eminently suitable for undergraduate physics students who need a quick and easy printed reference to basic equations from general physics … is a valuable resource for all students of physics

Knight, Randall Dewey.
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics: A Strategic Approach. San Francisco: Pearson/Addison Wsley, 2004.
Call Number: QC23.2 .K654 2004

Built from the ground up on our new understanding of how students learn physics, Randall Knight's introductory university physics textbook leads readers to a deeper understanding of the concepts and more proficient problem-solving skills. This authoritative text provides effective learning strategies and in-depth instruction to better guide readers around the misconceptions and preconceptions they often bring to the course.

Konopinski, Emil Jan.
Classical Descriptions of Motion: The Dynamics of Particle Trajectories, Rigid Rotations, and Elastic Waves. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1969.
Call Number: QC20 .K66

This book is addressed to students who wish to arrive at the frontiers of present-day [1968] Physical Tehory as expeditiously as possible. It is designed to be quite comprehensive as to the fundamentals of Classical Mechanics, but is highly selective as to applications and the mathematical languages introduced, these being chosen for their special pertinence to modern developments. [Note: This book includes calculus.]
Source: Konopinski, Emil Jan. "Preface." Classical Descriptions of Motion: The Dynamics of Particle Trajectories, Rigid Rotations, and Elastic Waves. San Francisco, CA: W.H. Freeman, 1969.

Penrose, Roger.
The Road to Reality: A Complete Guide to the Laws of the Universe. New York: A.A. Knopf, 2005.
Call Number: QC20 .P366 2005 (Ebrary)

Math-friendly readers looking for a substantial and possibly even thrillingly difficult intellectual experience should pick up a copy (carefully--it's over a thousand pages long and weighs nearly 4 pounds) and start at the beginning, where Penrose sets out his purpose: to describe "the search for the underlying principles that govern the behavior of our universe." Beginning with the deceptively simple geometry of Pythagoras and the Greeks, Penrose guides readers through the fundamentals--the incontrovertible bricks that hold up the fanciful mathematical structures of later chapters.

Stanley, Robert W.
College Physics. Sand Diego, CA: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987.
Call Number: QC21.2 .S685 1987

Covers vectors, kinematics, dynamics, circular motion, equilibrium, energy, momentum, gravitation, elasticity, vibration, fluids, sound, heat, electricity, electromagnetism, optics, relativity, and nuclear physics, and includes practice exercises.

Tobos, Valentina and Laurentiu Tobos.
Physics Success in 20 Minutes a Day. New York: Learning Express, 2006.
Call Number: QC21.3 .T63 2006

An aptitude for physics requires knowledge of both math and logic, making physics questions some of the most difficult on standardized tests. Physics Success in 20 Minutes a Day prepares readers for the challenging physics questions found on exams. The book is broken into quick, but thorough, lessons that can be fit into any schedule, and includes practice tests with full answer explanations.

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Calculus Help

Banner, Adrian D.
The Calculus Lifesaver: All the Tools You Need to Excel at Calculus. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007.
Call Number: QA303.2 .B26 2007

For many students, calculus can be the most mystifying and frustrating course they will ever take. The Calculus Lifesaver provides students with the essential tools they need not only to learn calculus, but to excel at it.

Barnett, Raymond A. and Michael R. Ziegler.
Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Person Prentice Hall, 2005.
Call Number: QA303.2 .B285 2005

Designed to be accessible, this book develops a thorough, functional understanding of calculus in preparation for its application in other areas. Coverage concentrates on developing concepts and ideas followed immediately by developing computational skills and problem solving.

Don, Eugene and Benay Don.
How to Solve Word Problems in Calculus a Solved Problem Approach. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Call Number: QA301 .D66 2001 (Ebrary)

Considered to be the hardest mathematical problems to solve, word problems continue to terrify students across all math disciplines. This new title in the World Problems series demystifies these difficult problems once and for all by showing even the most math-phobic readers simple, step-by-step tips and techniques. How to Solve World Problems in Calculus reviews important concepts in calculus and provides solved problems and step-by-step solutions. Once students have mastered the basic approaches to solving calculus word problems, they will confidently apply these new mathematical principles to even the most challenging advanced problems.

Downing, Doubglas.
Barron's E-Z Calculus. Hauppauge, NY: Barron's Educational Series, 2010.
Call Number: QA303.2 .D69 2010

The author of this imaginative self-teaching book tells an entertaining story about travels in the fictional land of Carmorra. In the process he introduces a series of problems and solves them by applying principles of calculus. Readers are introduced to derivatives, natural logarithms, exponential functions, differential equations, and much more.

Ebersole, Dennis, C
A Companion to Calculus. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole, 2006.
Call Number: QA303 .C658 2006

Improve your algebra and problem-solving skills with A Companion to Calculus! Every chapter in this companion provides the conceptual background and any specific algebra techniques you need to understand and solve calculus problems related to that topic. Verbal descriptions, diagrams, graphs, pictures, symbolic formulas, and numerical data are all used to reinforce communicating and understanding in different modes.

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Krantz, Steven G.
Calculus Demystified. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
Call Number: QA303.2 .K74 2003 (Ebrary)

Here’s an innovative shortcut to gaining a more intuitive understanding of both differential and integral calculus. In Calculus Demystified an experienced teacher and author of more than 30 books puts all the math background you need inside and uses practical examples, real data, and a totally different approach to mastering calculus.

Maor, Elie.
The Facts on File Calculus Handbook. New York: Facts on File, 2003.
Call Number: QA303.2 .M36 2003

Offers a chronology of the history of calculus as well as biographies of relevant mathematicians and explains topics including absolute value, greatest integer function, and second derivative.

Oman Robert M. and Daniel M. Oman.
Calculus for the Utterly Confused. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007.
Call Number: QA303.2 .O43 2007 (Ebrary)

Whether you're a science major, an engineer, or a business graduate, calculus can be one of the most intimidating subjects around. Fortunately, Calculus for the Utterly Confused is your formula for success. Written by two experienced teachers who have taken the complexity out of calculus for thousands of students, this book breaks down tough concepts into easy-to-understand chunks. Calculus for the Utterly Confused shows you how to apply calculus concepts to problems in business, medicine, sociology, physics, and environmental science.

Pickover, Clifford A.
Calculus and Pizza: A Cookbook for the Hungry Mind. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley, 2003.
Call Number: QA203.2 .P53 2003

Do you want to do well on your calculus exam? Are you looking for a quick refresher course? Or would you just like to get a taste of what calculus is all about? If so, you’ve selected the right book. Calculus and Pizza is a creative, surprisingly delicious overview of the essential rules and formulas of calculus, with tons of problems for the learner with a healthy appetite.

Ross, Debra.
Master Math Calculus Boston: Course Technology Cenage Learning, 2009.
Call Number: QA303.2 .R67 2009 (Ebrary)

Get ready to master the principles and operations of calculus! Master Math: Calculus is a comprehensive reference guide that explains and clarifies the principles of calculus in a simple, easy-to-follow style and format. Beginning with the most basic fundamental topics and progressing through to the more advanced, the book helps clarify calculus using step-by-step procedures and solutions, along with examples and applications.

Ryan, Mark.
Calculus Workbook for Dummies. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley, 2005.
Call Number: QA303 .R989 2005

Got a grasp on the terms and concepts you need to know, but get lost halfway through a problem or, worse yet, not know where to begin? Have no fear! This hands-on guide focuses on helping you solve the many types of calculus problems you encounter in a focused, step-by-step manner. With just enough refresher explanations before each set of problems, you'll sharpen your skills and improve your performance. You'll see how to work with limits, continuity, curve-sketching, natural logarithms, derivatives, integrals, infinite series, and more!

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