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The Topic Tree: General Research Guide: Fashion and Lifestyle

A selection of timely, diverse, and exciting topics for term papers, projects, and presentations.

Fashion and Lifestyle

Fashion and Lifestyle

Here are topics for clothes, hairstyles, looking good, losing weight, eating right and all their social, moral, and other implictations. It is amazing what can become an academic topic. Use your imagination.

Here they are...


Why would any one pay $100 or more for a pair of shoes (or sneakers)?

What are the techniques that go into creating a fashionable pair of jeans? (This is a fairly technical topic.)?

Do knock-offs and imitations help or hurt fashion designers?

How is it possible to impress your date if you don't have a car? (This is an energy crisis question)

Is business casual a boon or a bane to office workers?

How can I avoid buying clothing produced in sweat shops?

Has the current recession dampened the market for fashionably distressed denim?

What was Christian Dior's influence on style?

Was Versache a great designer or is he just famous because he was murdered?

Describe the environmental effects of throw away fashion and where do our used clothes go anyway? (Not an easy topic)

Describe ways to make clothing or purses out of recycled material and/or hemp fiber.