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Feminist Action Alliance History Project: Support Future Histories

Financial Support

We plan to create detailed histories for additional women's organizations! To do that, we will hire a Graduate Research Assistant annually to conduct oral histories, do intensive research, select materials for digitization, and write histories. If you would like to support this work, please consider donating to one of the following:

Archives for Women and Gender Fund – 021085
Dedicated to supplement the programmatic budget for the Women’s/Gender & Sexuality Collections. Monies donated to this fund are available for immediate use.

Anne Deeley Easterly Endowment – 02E76
Provides support for the Women’s Collections (Georgia Women’s Movement Archives, Women in Activism, Georgia State University Women and future women’s collecting areas) in acquisition of collections and related materials, travel to acquire collections, outreach and promotion, funds to process collections, participation in digital initiatives, preservation and maintenance of collections and other expenditures and opportunities assisting the Women’s Collections Archivist.

Special Collections and Archives

Special Collections and Archives

Oral Histories at GSU

Donna Novak Coles Georgia Women's Movement Archives

Lucy Hargrett Draper Collections on Women's Rights, Advocacy, and the Law

Archives for Research on Women 

Phone: (404) 413-2880

Mailing Address:
Special Collections & Archives
Georgia State University Library
100 Decatur Street, SE
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3202

In Person:
Library South, 8th floor

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