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Feminist Action Alliance History Project: Major Programs and Events


January - Formation of ERA Coalition: Georgia Council for the ERA. Peg Nugent, Linda Evans, Anne Deeley, and Nancy Shofner represented ACTION

March 30 - Annual Fundraising Rummage Sale 

April 2 and 8 - Meetings held to start Rape Advocate Program at Grady Hospital. Thirteen ACTION members supported effort as volunteers

April - Reached 30 members 

May 4First Women in Politics Event

May 7- Ten ACTION Members accepted as volunteers for the Rape Crisis Center started at Grady 

June - Action Feminist Theater Group (Committee) started

June 19 - “Women and Health – It’s Your Body” Seminar at Emory University (sponsored by ACTION

 July 20-21 & 27-28 – ACTION sponsored Self Defense Course 

August 17th – “Rally Against Rape” sponsored by ACTIONIn coordination with Mayor Jackson, Action helped improve “Rape Squad” with city officials.

September - Start of Employment Committee, with focus on Non-Traditional Employment guidance for high schoolers 

November 27 - 27th – ACTION One year Anniversary celebration ​​​​​​ 


Membership grew to approximately 70

Creation of new task forces and committees:

  • Political Task Force: Joy Rogers
  • Health Task Force: Pat Clifford
    Rape Task Force: Peg Nugent and Beth Schapiro
    Employment Task Force: Nancy Skates and Suzanne Donner
  • Public Relations Committee: Heather Fenton
    Membership Committee: Tobiane Schwartz

ACTION invited to join the WXIA advisory board. Peg Nugent was the first representative

March 10 - Non-Traditional Career Days started at Northside High School

June 21 - Georgia Women and Politics 2nd conference at Georgia State University

October - International Women's Year: Festival of Women in the Arts

December 1 - Kennestone Rape Crisis Center opened, with help of ACTION members, including Sandie Hamilton


Fundraising committee established

ACTION attempted to get funding to produce a film about non-traditional careers. This was unsuccessful

Occupational Awareness and Life Skills workshops:

  • Feb 14 - Lakeside High School
  • March 17 - Hoke Smith High School

Non-Traditional Career Days:

  • February 19 - Walter F. George High School
  • March 17 - Lakeside High School
  • April 15 - Hoke Smith High School

April 29 - ACTION sponsored a fundraiser in honor of the Lady Tara Golfers at the West Paces Ferry Racquet Club.

May 22 - ACTION's third Georgia Women in Politics Conference held at Georgia State University

Georgia Women's Forum series of six conferences:

  • August 14 - Gainesville
  • August 21 - Macon
  • August 28 - Columbus
  • September 11 - Augusta and Savannah
  • September 18 - Atlanta



Professional Women's Directory established, listing names, businesses, addresses, and phone numbers of women professionals across Atlanta.

First membership drive took place at the Callenwolde Fine Arts Center.

Rape Task Force developed Project LEARN, taking workshops to high schools:

  • January 11, 18, 27 - North Fulton High School
  • April 11, 13, 15 - Redan High School

Non-Traditional Career Day:

  • May - Henderson High School

May 22 - Fourth Women and Politics Conference at Georgia State University

September 29 - Guided by Janet Paulk, ACTION leaders approve proposal to donate the organization's records to Emory University's Special Collections.

October 29 - Women at Work Conference: Designs for Success at Georgia State University.


Eleanor Maine became the first chair of the newly established Speakers Bureau

Education Foundation was established to fund non-political projects through tax-deductible donations and grants

Non-Traditional Career Day:

  • Unknown date - Henderson High School

March 23 - Membership drive, ACTION Defined was held at the Garden Gallery Room at Colony Square.

May 13 and June 17 - Instead of the usual Women in Politics Conference, ACTION hosted two smaller intimate workshops with campaign managers (May 13) and candidates (June 17) running for office.

September 30 - Women at Work Conference was held at the Colony Square Hotel. Georgia State University was co-facilitator. 

November 4 - First ERA Georgia meeting was held at the Perimeter Mall in Atlanta. Several ACTION members joined and served as officers. 


By the end of 1979, ACTION had almost 300 membersand it had opened its first independent office location at 1300 Spring Street, in Atlanta.

Co-sponsored with Discovery Learning, The Women Encounter Math Workshop was a 10-week series aimed at helping women to develop math competency.

Non-Traditional Career Day:

  • January 12 - Henderson High School
  • May 15 - Stone Mountain High School

February 27 - Atlanta Women's Network held its first luncheon at the Hyatt Regency Center at Colony Square.

April 24 - Membership drive, ACTION Defined was held at the Midtown Community Center at Colony Square

October 13 - Women at Work Conference held at the Colony Square Hotel.


Non-Traditional Career Day:

  • February 14 - Douglas High School
  • March 26 - Briarcliff High School
  • April 21 - Inman Middle School

March 22-23 - ACTION sponsored and helped to host the first National Women's Political Caucus Conference in the Southeast. At this conference, the Georgia Women's Political Caucus was established.

April 30 - Membership drive, ACTION Defined was held at the Midtown Community Center at Colony Square.

June 2 and September 29 - GWPC and ACTION partnered two "get-togethers" to meet with organizations from across the state to discuss women's issues.

October 2 - ACTION and the Women's Bureau co-sponsored the Southeastern Regional Conference on Alternative Work Patterns held at the Gold Kist Training Center in Atlanta.

October 25 - Women at Work Conference held at the Georgia World Congress Center


March 5 - Georgia Women's Political Caucus and ACTION co-host "get-together" to meet with 25 Atlanta area corporations about opportunities for Atlanta's women

April 18 - ACTION Defined membership drive

Non-Traditional Career Day:

  • August 13 - Atlanta Girls Club held at Trust Company Bank's auditorium

November 14 - "Created Equal Conference" held in partnership with Georgia State University


Membership drive (no date available)

Early 1982 - "Meeting with Mayor Andrew Young, Mayor of Atlanta" was co-sponsored by ACTION and the YWCA of Greater Atlanta, and held at the Women's Commerce Club

September 29 - "Working Together: Companies and Two-Career Couples" conference held at the Dunfey Atlanta Hotel.

November 16 - International Status of Women: A Panel Discussion and dinner was held at the State Twin Towers in Atlanta.


January 18 - Mayor's Reception for women of Atlanta to meet the mayor to discuss women's issues

Non-Traditional Career Day:

  • March 12 - Northwest Georgia Girl Scout Council in the lobby auditorium of Georgia Pacific Corporation

September - Benefit party for Kathleen Dowdy's film, "When Will We Marry"



Childcare booklet published

Special Collections and Archives

Special Collections and Archives

Oral Histories at GSU

Donna Novak Coles Georgia Women's Movement Archives

Lucy Hargrett Draper Collections on Women's Rights, Advocacy, and the Law

Archives for Research on Women 

Phone: (404) 413-2880

Mailing Address:
Special Collections & Archives
Georgia State University Library
100 Decatur Street, SE
Atlanta, Georgia 30303-3202

In Person:
Library South, 8th floor

Employee Directory