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On Display at Clarkston - Deep Archive: On Display -- August 2006

This board features older display pages from the summer of 2006 to January of 2010

On Display -- August 2006

Featured Web Sites

Eyes Wide Open
Although a majority of Americans now believe this war is a tragic misadventure, the human cost of the Iraq War grows every day. How many more boots will be standing at silent attention before this war ends, before Iraqis and American soldiers are out of harm's way?Excerpted from

Georgia Peace and Justice
The Georgia Peace & Justice Coalition/Atlanta is a diverse group of community organizations, faith-based institutions, students, local organizations, and individuals from across Georgia working for global justice and peace. We call for foreign and domestic policies leading to true social justice and economic security.
Excerpted from the web page.

The Peace Alliance
The Peace Alliance is a nonpartisan citizen action organization advocating for legislation that supports a culture of peace. We work to foster positive, proactive change toward the creation of a more nonviolent and peaceful world.
Excerpted from http://www.thepeacealliance

Veterans for Peace
Veterans for Peace "includes men and women veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, other conflicts and peacetime veterans. Our collective experience tells us wars are easy to start and hard to stop and that those hurt are often the innocent. Thus, other means of problem solving are necessary."
Excerpted from

Wikipedia Anti-War
The term anti-war sometimes refers to pacifism, i.e., opposition to all use of military force during conflicts, but most often is used in the context of opposing one particular nation's decision to wage war.
Excerpted from the web page.

Wikipedia Nobel Peace Prize
The Nobel Peace Prize is one of five Nobel Prizes bequested by the Swedish industrialist and inventor Alfred Nobel. Nobel, whose inventions included dynamite and Ballistite, led to the death of millions of people. He created the Nobel Prize in an effort to make up for what he believed to be past evils. According to the will of Alfred Nobel, the prize should be awarded "to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between the nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses."
Excerpted from the web page.

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middle panel of the display

left panel of the display

cover from the Case for Peace

cover from Raising the Peaceable Kingdom

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peace is possible

This is a display about the social, religious, and historical aspects of peace and justice. It covers: the current crisis in the Middle East, the Civil Rights movement, and peace and justice as part of law, religion, and spirituality.

Featured Books

Abraham, S. Daniel. 2006. Peace is possible: conversations with Arab and Israeli leaders from 1988 to the present . New York: New Market Press.
It's rare to find a political activist who is able to hold two conventionally opposed views in mind, yet throughout most of this book, Abraham (founder of the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation and former chairman of Slim-East Foods) manages to do just that. Without denying his Zionist underpinnings, he addresses the concerns of both Jews and Arabs. Reflecting nearly 20 years of private diplomacy, his book is neither scholarly nor analytical; it reads more like the private diary of a thinking man with incredible connections to virtually everyone of influence in Israeli, Palestinian, Egyptian and Jordanian politics.
Jan. 30, 2006. Publisher's Weekly. 253(5) 55-56.

Arsenault, Raymond. 2006. Freedom riders: 1961 and the struggle for racial justice. New York: Oxford University Press
The incredible courage and determination of young people, black, white, male and female, who risked great personal danger and even death as they participated in the freedom rides during the Civil Rights Movement are the focus of this remarkable book. History is told through the experiences of two young men of disparate backgrounds, one black--John Lewis, the other white--Jim Zwerg.
Oluonye, Mary N. May 2006. School Library Journal. 52(5) 140.

Barasch, Mark Ian. 2005. Field notes on a compassionate life: A search for the soul of kindness. Erasmus, PA: Rodale.
Writing in a friendly, upbeat voice, Barasch (Healing Dreams) is never pious as he ponders the meaning of compassion, its healing properties and the wisdom of the compassionate, from St. Francis and the Dalai Lama to caring individuals in Barasch's own life. Touching on psychology, social science, and evolutionary biology, Barasch, former editor-in-chief of New Age Journal, explores his theme in a lively autobiographical style, with firsthand reportage, such as living temporarily as a homeless person. The compassionate life is not only liberating, it genuinely feels good, he says.
Feb. 14, 2005. Publisher's Weekly. 252(7) 67.

Boyd, Herb. 2004. We shall overcome. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks.
In 1955, mass actions--boycotts, blood-sheddings, jailings, marches and sit-ins--involving ordinary people erupted in the southern United States. At first, activists focused on desegregating public accommodation: seatings at dining places and public transportation facilities. As the "white power structure" (an oft-used phrase in those days) resisted change, black Americans in the movement sought electoral power and emphasized securing the right to vote as a main goal. All of this is the substance of Herb Boyd's We Shall Overcome, a survey of the movement's high points.
E185.61.B774 2004
2005. Black Issues Book Review. 7(1) 68.

Buddhist peacework : Creating cultures of peace. 1999. Somerville, MA: Wisdom Publications.
Eighteen Buddhist leaders respond here to the recent United Nations document Declaration on the Role of Religion in the Promotion of a Culture of Peace. Peace, according to the collection's editor, is more than merely the inner tranquility sometimes ascribed to Buddhism; it requires the recognition that all beings suffer, and that "we are not separate from others."
BQ4570.P4 B836 1999
April 24, 2000. Publisher's Weekly. 247(17) 87.

Carson, Clayborne. 1995. In struggle: SNCC and the Black awakening of the 1960s. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
In Clayborn Carson, the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) has at last found a scholar capable of probing its radical and fractious nature in a manner both sympathetic and prudently critical. The work is tightly structured, extensively researched, and accomplishes what the author set out to do: study "the ideas that came to life inside SNCC" and to trace its development "through three stages."
E185.61.C27 1995
2001. American Historical Review 86(5) 175-176.

Carter, Jimmy. 2005. Our endangered values: America's moral crisis. New York: Simon and Schuster
This is a book of reason and tolerance but also of indignation. The former President draws on his religious faith and political experience to comment wisely on a wide range of "hot button" issues. Although Carter's tone is patient and explanatory, his views are bound to be newsworthy and will rekindle some old fires. He is dismayed by the influence of fundamentalism both in religion and in politics; as he observes, "Narrowly defined theological beliefs have been adopted as the rigid agenda of a political party." He further accuses the neoconservatives who guide the Bush administration of having imperialistic goals. Carter writes at length about post-9/11 human rights violations, gun control, nuclear proliferation, the death penalty, the dilution of environmental quality, and the dangers of preemptive war.
HN90.M6 C37
Karel, Thomas A. October 15, 2005. Library Journal. 130(17) 71.

Chapman, Colin Gilbert. Whose holy city? Jerusalem and the future of peace in the Middle East. 2005. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books.
In Whose Holy City? Colin Chapman assesses the centrality of Jerusalem in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, traces the city's history from Old Testament times to the contemporary scene, and shows how the issues of the past are relevant today. Jerusalem is regarded by many as a key, if not the key, to peace in the Middle East.
DS109.9.C453 2005
Description from the book's back cover.

Chopra, Deepak. 2005. Peace is the way: Bringing war and violence to an end. New York: Harmony Books.
This latest work from Chopra (The Book of Secrets) comes armed with praise from the likes of the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Wayne Dyer, and Boutros Boutros-Ghali. Chopra is distressed at the omnipresence of violent conflict in our time and finds his remedy in the acknowledgment and rejection of the dualities and false sense of self that lie at its root. Beyond these, he counsels, lies the compassion that will help us reject violence.
Christian, Graham. March 1, 2005. Library Journal

The Dalai Lama. 2005. The universe in a single atom: The convergence of science and spirituality. New York: Morgan Road Books.
What are we developing scientifically and why? Do we know if we are spiritually present when we make such personal and collective decisions? How can we keep our humility, self-awareness, and a measure of morality where research and development advancements are concerned? The Dalai Lama asks these human value-based questions as he ponders the meeting point of science and spirituality, especially as it relates to quality of life in scientific endeavors.
BQ7935.B774 U56
Liquori, Lisa 2005. Oct. 1, 2005. Library Journal 130(16) 84-86.

Dershowitz, Alan M. 2005. The case for peace: How the Arab-Israeli conflict can be resolved Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley.
Harvard law professor Dershowitz has written widely on the conflict in the Middle East, including his recent The Case for Israel , through which he earned the reputation as a combative defender of Israel. Here, he combines two goals. First, he quite effectively lays out an analytical case that peace is achievable in the Middle East with two states in historic Palestine, some border adjustments of the 1967 truce lines, the division of Jerusalem, and a renunciation of violence on all sides. He asserts that a resolution along these lines is sought by many Israelis and Palestinians and is now possible after the death of Yasir Arafat. He can't resist his second goal, however, which is to attack the extremists who obstruct movement toward peace, particularly those he criticizes as racists and hate-mongers committed to the destruction of Israel.
Sept. 1, 2005. Library Journal.

Goldfarb, Michael. 2005. Ahmad’s war, Ahmad’s peace: Surviving under Saddam, dying in the new Iraq. New York: Carroll and Graf.
Goldfarb draws a delicate portrait of his friend and of the growing chaos and disillusionment of Iraqi society, where Shawkat's idealistic but rudderless writings--he named his newspaper Without Direction-- were pushed aside by hardening attitudes. Shawkat emerges as a tragic figure, a voice of individual conscience in a country still ruled by rigid ideology and tribal loyalties.
June 6, 2005. Publisher's Weekly. 252(23) 52.

Greenberg, Cheryl, Lynn. 1998. A circle of trust: Remembering SNCC. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Inspired by the production of Eyes on The Prize, Jack Chatfield, an activist in the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, organized a reunion of the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee at Trinity College in 1988. Some 150 activists and historians attended the conference. This volume is a transcription of the comments made by participants who sought to set the record straight.
E185.61.C58 1998
July 1998. Choice.

Hall, Simon. 2005. Peace and freedom: The civil rights and antiwar movements of the 1960s. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Civil rights leaders and their role in the antiwar movement is a subject that has not been overly examined. Indeed, opposition to the war among African American activists is usually not examined at all, except to explain Dr. Martin Luther King's opposition in 1967-68. Hall (Univ. of Leeds) corrects this view in a cogent study of the civil rights and antiwar movements. He states that black leaders were torn between their loyalty to Lyndon Johnson and their suspicions that the war was threatening the gains of the Civil Rights Movement. The author brilliantly delineates the views of those who supported the war, such as Roy Wilkins and Whitney Young, versus those who opposed it, e.g., Martin Luther King and Stokely Carmichael.
Oct.2005. Choice.

Harding, Vincent. 1990. Hope and history: Why we must share the story of the movement. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
Harding, ever the teacher, uses his recent experience in the production of Eyes on the Prize (CH, Jan'88) to urge teachers, students, and discussion groups of all types to view the series. His goal is to reinvigorate in youth and in society the call for civil rights, justice, and love made by the Civil Rights leaders of the 1960s (including Harding, though he does not dwell on his part). If today's students were to recapture that '60s sense of mission, perhaps they could use their energies in solving problems such as drugs and crime. The Civil Rights Movement can provide the models they need and the nonviolent methodology.
E185.61.H246 1990
Jan. 1991. Choice.

Harvey, Paul. 2005. Freedom’s coming: Religious culture and the shaping of the South from the Civil War through the civil rights era. Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press.
Freedom's Coming: Religious Culture and the Shaping of the South From the Civil War through the Civil Rights Era, analyzes the religious culture of the American South by examining the cross sections of race, politics, and gender.
Jones-Branch, Cherisse. April 2006. Arkansas Review: A Journal of Delta Studies. 37(1) 70.

Ponzer, Neal J. 2005. How should the United States withdraw from Iraq? San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press.
Books in the At Issue series offer opinions and perspectives from different sides of a controversial issue. This entry presents speeches and articles by dignitaries such as George W. Bush, John Kerry, and Paul Bremer as well as journalists and representatives of various think tanks. The ten selections fairly reflect different points of view and are argued with varying degrees of intensity and persuasiveness.
DS79.76.H69 2005
Phelan, Carolyn. February 2005. Booklist. 101 953.

Hunt, Swannee. 2004. This was not our war : Bosnian women reclaiming the peace. Durham: London.
Drawing on seven years of interviews, diplomatic and humanitarian work in the region and personal visits to Bosnia throughout the 1990s, Hunt--a former U.S. ambassador to Austria and founder of Women Waging Peace--presents the testimony of 26 women who survived the region's horrific upheavals. Hunt juxtaposes private moments with public meetings and differences of opinion with common convictions. Women speak wrenchingly and courageously about the fight to save their homes and protect their children; the decision to stay or flee; the attempt to preserve their own bodies and souls; and the ongoing challenge to rebuild their lives and society.
DR1313.7.W65 H86
December 6, 2004. Publisher's Weekly 251(49) 53-54.

Masson, Jeffrey M. 2005. Raising the peaceable kingdom: What animals can teach us about the social origins of tolerance and friendship. New York: Ballentine Books.
Masson (When Elephants Weep) records his attempt to "raise together a kitten, a puppy, a bunny, a chick, and a baby rat" in hopes that this "might offer some lessons to us humans" on how to avoid bigotry and war.
July 18, 2005. Publisher's Weekly. 252(28) 201.

Mehrota, Rajiv. 2005. Essential Dalai Lama: His important teachings. New York:Viking.
No non-Western spiritual leader of our time has commanded more respect than the 14th Dalai Lama, a tireless advocate for the liberty of his native land of Tibet as well as a first-rate ambassador for Tibetan Buddhism. He has also been a prolific spiritual writer, having authored more than 50 books. This book is an anthology of his writing, yet because his thought is all of one piece, it does not seem in any way like a grab-bag of excerpts but a coherent vision of the world.
BQ7935.B774 E88
Christian, Graham. January 15, 2006. Librarary Journal. 131(1) 125.

Miller, William Ian. 2006. Eye for an eye. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Getting even, as the biblical precept implies, is the essence of justice, according to this engaging essay. It's a simple idea, but Miller, a University of Michigan law professor (The Anatomy of Disgust), finds a world of social complexity in humanity's efforts to get the accounting right.
October 24, 2005. Publisher's Weekly. 252(42) 51.

Newman, Mark. 2004. The civil rights movement. Westport, CT:Praeger.
This publication of the British Association for American Studies is a concise introduction to the struggle for equal rights. Synthesizing recent scholarship, Newman (visiting professor, Univ. of Illinois at Chicago) avoids the celebrity profile approach to the movement's history and instead focuses on the importance of actions undertaken by local communities and the overlooked work performed by women activists.
E185.61.L519 1998
April 2005. Choice.

Nhat Hanh Thich. 2004. Creating true peace: Ending violence in yourself, your family, your community, and the world. New York: Free Press.
This latest volume addresses the questions of world peace directly, through another--but still needed--explanation of the Buddhist Noble Truths and of the meaning of true compassion. "The secret of creating peace," he says, "is that when you listen to another person you have only one purpose: to offer him an opportunity to empty his heart."
BQ4570.P4 N45 2004
Christian, Graham. January 5, 2004. Library Journal. 129(1) 123.

Nhat Hanh Thich. 2004. Peace begins here: Palestinians and Israelis listening to each other. Berkeley, CA: Parallax Press.
For several years, the Buddhist monk and Nobel Peace Prize nominee has led groups of Palestinians and Israelis in an annual peace retreat in France; at the end of each retreat, the participants come together to report on what happened as they practiced Buddhist mindfulness and discuss how to continue the practice when they return to the Middle East.
BQ4570.P4 N457 2004
May 1, 2005. Reference and Research Books News.

Pannikar, Raimundo. 1995. Cultural disarmament: The way to peace. Louisville, KY: Westminster John Knox Press.
The concern that inspires this provocative treatise is to be found at its end: "What is there or what has there been, in historical man, that has created war as an institution?" Panikkar's attempt to explain how we reached such a point is one of the book's strengths. He understands well the "myths" that have given shape to modern Western civilization and is appropriately careful to interpret many of Western culture's characteristics-such as individualism, fierce competitiveness, epistemological positivism, scientism, and technology/technocracy -as the very forces that are leading us to the abyss of self-destruction.
BL65.P4 P3613 1995
Remick, Oscar E. 1997. Journal of Ecumenical Studies. 34(2).

Rouner, Leroy S. 1999. Religion, politics, and peace. Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press.
In general, the collection represents various attempts to demonstrate, as Leroy Rouner puts it in his "Introduction," "that religion has a valid voice in the political process and sometimes even a healing role for the body politic."
BL65.P7 R437 1999
Palmer-Fernandez Gabriel. 2001. Journal of Religion. 81(2) 318-319.

Ellis, Catherine and Smith, Stephen D. 2005. Say it plain: A century of great African-American speeches. New York: New Press.
Presents actual transcripts and recordings of speeches by the leading African American leaders of the twentieth century, with historical background and a radio documentary prepared for national broadcast for Black History Month 2005.
PS663.N4 S39
Description available from the book's

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