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Handouts for You: Step by Step with Ebook Central

Where you can find your way through our extensive handout collection, and yes, they ARE handouts!

Step by Step wtih Ebook Central

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Step by Step with Ebook Central

Ebook Central is a searchable collection of EBooks available through the GSU Library. It has many times more titles than EBSCOHost eBook Collection and it adds titles yearly. Ebook Central is also your go-to source for technical and computer-related titles.

  1. Before you touch the keyboard, think carefully about your topic. Many topics have two main ideas in them. A good example is: tourism beyond earth

  2. The main ideas in this topic are: tourism and space. To put these ideas together in a way that Ebook Central understands, your search statement becomes: space AND tourism. The AND is not a word but a logical operator that tells the computer to look for all books that cover both outer space and tourism. When Ebook Central reads your search statement, theoverlap between the circles is your result.

    A search for space tourism as Ebook Central sees it

  3. To find the Ebook Central open the library web page and click E in the alphabet below the big search box.

    The searches A-Z bar.

  4. Type your search statement in to the search box near the top of the page. Though Ebook Central assumes an AND, typing it in is good practice. .

    A search box in Ebook Central ready to search for space tourism

  5. Ebook Central presents results twenty(20) at a time You can move among them with the scroll bar and move between pages by using the page number list at the bottom of the page.

  6. Choose your subject headings to tighten up your search in Ebook CentralTo narrow down your results, you can check off a box next to one or more Subject Headings at the top of the page and clicking the Search button.

  7. The little sort by date link in Ebook CentralTo see the most current titles FIRST, sort them by date by selecting the Date link below the silvergray buttons in the upper right corner of the page.

  8. To see a full text of a book, click the its Title. Then open its table of contents and choose what you would like to read.

    What an Ebook Central book looks like just before you read it
    a> To print a limited number of pages from your book, click on Ebook Central's print icon near the top of the page.
    b> To save a limited number of page, click on Ebook Central's download icon, also in the row of buttons at the top of the p age.
    c> To save an eBook to a folder you can open at home, sign in to your personal Ebook Centralaccount and click the Add to Bookshelf icon, which is near the top of the page and looks like a book with a plus sing on it.
    d> To see a persistent link click the chain link icon in the bar of incons at the top of the page.

    Ebook Central's top of the page icons

Ebook Central Advanced Search

If you are visually oriented, want more space and flexibility, or plan to try several related searches, thenEbook Central's Advanced Search is for you.

You can search by:

  • Keyword or...

  • Title, author, or....

  • Even call number if you scroll down the page. Be sure to add an * after the letters in the call number.

  • "Quotes" also help keep title and subject phrases bound together.

Two parts of Ebook Central's Advanced Search