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Handouts for You: Step by Step Finding Books in the USG

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Step by Step Finding Books in the University System of Georgia

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Search GIL-Find,

the library catalog.

Step by Step Borrowing Books from the University System of Georgia

1) Start at the library web site.

2) Because USG is not one of the big, Discovery box's options, select Library Catalog from the blue box on the left.

3) A slightly different box appears. In the top right corner of the window, click the gray, text, Sign In link. Sign in with your CapusID and password.
Choose the Library Catalog from the box on the right

4) Adjust the scroll bar on the right side of the box to University System of Georgia.

GIL-Find search box set up for University System of Georgia

5) Search GIL-Find in the same way that you would for material at GSU. For more information you can learn to search GIL-Find step by step.

6) GIL-Find USG search presents you with groups of twenty-five (25) items. Books available at other libraries have a rusty brown, Check availability link tucked into their descriptions.

Here is a record for a USG book available at a different library.

7) To select a book, click on its gray-blue title. If the book is not available at GSU, it will say to order it through Illiad.

Ignore this message and scroll half way down the page to the words, More Libraries/GIL-Express Request.

Your book is available at another USG institution

You can Request your book with this text link.
8) Click the green text link that says Available.

9) Then find the bright blue Request link, and click it to order your item.

10) GIL-Find offers you a short form. Fill it out, and click the form's green Request link.

This is your USG order form. Fill it out and click Request