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Handouts for You: Step by Step with eBooks

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Step by Step wtih EBooks on EBSCOHost and Academic EBooks on EBSCOHost

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Step by Step with eBooks on EBSCOHost and Academic eBooks on EBSCOhost

Both eBooks on EBSCOhost and Academic eBooks on EBSCOhost offer books on a variety of subjects. You can read the ebooks without having to come to the library and check them out. Most professors count ebooks as regular books. This handout helps you find books using both basic and advanced searching.

  1. Before you touch the keyboard, think carefully about your topic. Many topics have two main ideas in them. A good example is: the health benefits of a vegetarian diet.

  2. The main ideas in this topic are: vegetarian and health. To put these ideas together in a way that eBooks on EBSCOHost understands, your search statement becomes: vegetarian AND health. The AND is not a word but a logical operator that tells the computer to look for all books that cover both health and vegetarianism. Here is how eBooks on EBSCOHost sees your search statement. The overlap between the circles is your search results.

    Colorful search statement for vegetarian AND health

  3. To find the eBooks on EBSCOHost from the library web page, scroll down to the Databases A to Z area, and click E eBooks on EBSCOhost is near the top of the list.

    The searches A-Z bar.

  4. Type your search statement in to the Basic Search box. Don't leave out the AND .

    eBooks on EBSCOHost search box

  5. EBSCOHost presents results ten(10) at a time You can move among them with the scroll bar and move between pages with the, Previous, Next, and Page Number links.

  6. To see a full text of a book, click the eBook Full Text bar.

    a> To print up to fifteen pages from your book, click on EBSCO's print icon.
    b> To email up to fifteen pages, click on EBSCO's email icon.
    c> To save an eBook to a folder you can open at home, login to your personal EBSCO account and then click on the folder icon.
    d> To send a persistent link for your search to Yahoomail, Gmail, Twitter, or MySpace: click Share at the top of the results list and then choose an option. You can also manually copy and paste the persistent URL for your search to a note in Facebook.

  7. Do not just click the Facebook link to send your search URL there. Facebook breaks URLs.

eBooks on EBSCOHost Advanced Search

If you are visually oriented, want more space and flexibility, or plan to try several related searches, then EBSCOhost's Advanced Search is for you.

  1. Instead of using an AND between ideas in a search statement, in Advanced Search, you fill separate rows with your ideas, one row per idea.

  2. You can also put two or more synonyms for one idea together using OR, a logical operator joins synonyms as a single idea.

  3. In Advanced Search, fill in the multibox and click Search.

Advanced search for ebooks