In this module, we study the various defenses that may be raised by the accused.
Learning Objectives
After completing this module, students should be able to:
Chapter 5: Criminal Defenses Part I
Chapter 6: Criminal Defenses Part II
Experts Determine State of Mind (from Films on Demand)
Brain Scans Support Diminished Capacity Defense (from Films on Demand)
Crime and Insanity (from Films on Demand)
An overview of various aspects of criminal defenses, including denial, affirmative, perfect, imperfect, common law, statutory, justification, excuse, self-defense, and defense of habitation.
Lionel Tate Case: Judge, lawyer in Lionel Tate case reflect on landmark trial, cite regrets
CNN's Gary Tuchman reports on a woman who is serving 20 years in prison after her "stand your ground" defense failed.
CNN's Randi Kaye reports on case of boy who used the "affluenza" defense in case of killing four while driving drunk.
Ahmaud Arbery, an African American man in Georgia, was shot and killed by two white men. Omar Villafranca reports.