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NVivo Qualitative Data Analysis Software: GSU Access to NVivo

An introduction to NVivo qualitative textual & audiovisual analysis software.

Mac Version of NVivo - Pros/Cons

Apple logo and Windows logo with word abbreviation vs for versus in between them

Mac Version of NVivo - Challenges

  • The Mac version of NVivo is not as fully functional as the Windows version.
  • Moving between Mac and Windows with NVivo often causes technical challengess – if at all possible, DON’T try to work across platforms.
  • We do not offer workshops/recordings on the Mac version due to having no Mac access to do so. Differences in interface, functionality, and features between the Mac and Windows version of NVivo may make it challenging to follow along with the Windows workshop if you are using a Mac. If you are a current GSU faculty, staff, or students and need targeted training for the Mac version of NVivo after attending the NVivo workshops or watching the NVivo recorded workshops, please contact Dr. Mandy.

You may need to change your System Preferences to install NVivo for Mac -- troubleshoot using this page steps #3 or #4.

What computers on campus have NVivo?

Campus Labs:

The University Library Atlanta Campus has NVivo installed on ALL its Windows/DELL computers throughout the entire Library. 

Contact other GSU Labs to see if NVivo is installed on lab computers.

Departmental Labs:

NVivo may already be available in some departmental or school computer labs -- ask within your departments. If it's not currently available, talk with your department about getting it installed on departmental lab computers. 

Exporting NVivo Work

Exporting your NVivo Work

The below doc has steps for exporting your NVivo content and overview info about other QDA tools. NOTE: NVivo is currently the only QDA tool that GSU licenses – if you move to another proprietary (not-free) tool, you will need to secure funding to pay for it.

Installing NVivo for first time? Need newest version?

CLICK HERE for instructions for downloading, installing, and activating NVivo. Click here for steps to determine NVivo version you have installed. NOTE: As of 2025.02.20, GSU Campus IT has NVivo 14 available but NOT NVivo 15 (with the AI Assistant) -- but see table box below for a workaround.

NVivo License expired or expiring?

CLICK HERE for instructions for acquiring the current license key. Click here for steps to determine NVivo version you have installed.

What's up with NVivo 15 and its AI Assistant?

CLICK HERE to see what Dr. Mandy knows (as of 2025.02.20) about NVivo 15 and its new AI Assistant.

Need to collaborate with two or more team members in NVivo?

See my NVivo for Team Coding - Tips & Resources handout and watch my NVivo for Team Coding workshop recording.

Installing NVivo on Your Own Computer

Can't find the NVivo license key?

  • Go back to the GSU OnTheHub/Kivuto page (where you downloaded the software)
  • In the top right corner click your account name > click Your Account/Orders
  • Find NVivo in list of your Orders & Downloads > click View Details button > copy entire 25-character-long license key
  • Return to NVivo > paste the NVivo license key where prompted.

Once you have NVivo installed and are able to open it:

  • You do NOT have to login to use NVivo -- just create a new project and start NVivo-ing!

If you have problems with technological issues of installing and/or opening NVivo from on campus or off campus, please contact the II&T Help Center at or 404-413-HELP (404-413-4357).

NVivo 15 and the New AI Assistant

NVivo 15 -- released and FREE to current GSU affiliates!

Campus IIT will be adding NVivo 15 to their regular installation process sometime soon, but current GSU affiliates can get FREE access to NVivo 15 NOW using the steps in Dr. Mandy's help doc

The New AI Assistant

The AI Assistant is an add-on that’s new with NVivo 15 – you can opt-in to use it (free initially, then via paid subscription) or ignore it if AI is not something you want to pursue in your NVivo-ing.

  • Initial free access allows processing ~1,000 pages of tokens (1 page ~= 1500 words).
  • When limit is reached, a dialog box directs you to a link to myLumivero portal to purchase an AI Assistant add-on subscription with unlimited usage renewable annually. NOTE: You will NOT lose access to NVivo 15 when you reach the AI Assistant free limit.
What does the AI Assistant do?
  • AI Assistant: Summarize Text option: Select text in a Document or PDF to automatically summarize the selection and save the summaries as text-linked Annotations.
  • AI Assistant: Summarize Document(s) option: Select one or more items [Documents, PDFs, and Audio or Video files with synced transcripts] to automatically generate a summary for each selected item, which can be stored as linked Memos.
  • AI Assistant: Suggest Child Codes option: Select a code and generate child codes based on the coded content.

NOTE: As of 2024.10.17, AI Assistant will NOT process spreadsheet-formatted Datasets (i.e., survey open-ended questions, X/Twitter datasets) and audio (i.e., audio or video files lacking transcripts).

WINDOWS – AI Assistant help page | MAC – AI Assistant help page

You must Activate AI Assistant to use it!

  1. Send a help desk ticket to Campus IIT at to request that a 'seat' be assigned to you in the Lumivero / NVivo portal.
  2. Open NVivo 15 and Login to your myLumivero account to be able to use the AI Assistant.
  3. When using AI Assistant, you are prompted to read and agree to Lumivero AI Terms of Use – this is a required step.

NVivo license expiring or expired?

If your NVivo is showing as "expired", the new license key needs to be entered and activated. If your NVivo license expires, you will NOT lose your files -- you just won't be able to open them until (1) GSU IIT makes the new license key available on the OnTheHub/Kivuto site and (2) you enter and activate the new license within NVivo.

NOTE: If you are using a GSU-owned computer requiring an administrative username/password for software updates, please contact your department's IT person to renew your NVivo license.

ACCESSING the New NVivo License Key:
(for renewing NVivo license on your personal non-GSU computer)
  1. Go to the GSU OnTheHub/Kivuto page (where you downloaded the software -- requires login with your GSU CampusID/password)
  2. In the top right corner click your email/account name > click Your Account/Orders
  3. Find NVivo in list of your Orders & Downloads > click View Details button
  4. Copy entire 25-character-long license key
ACTIVATING the New NVivo License Key:

For Windows/PC - old license not yet expired

  1. Connect to internet (must be connected to update license)
  2. Open NVivo
  3. Click File > click Product Info > click Manage License > click Deactivate License
  4. Reopen NVivo
  5. In Activate NVivo window, click on or provide enterprise key to activate link toward bottom of window
  6. In License Key window, paste the new license key in the first field (it will apply the separate sections across the remaining fields) > checkbox your agreement to license terms > click Next button
  7. In License Activation window, fill in required information > click Activate button

For Windows/PC - old license already expired

  1. Connect to internet (must be connected to update license)
  2. Open NVivo
  3. In Expired License popup window, click Activate manually link toward bottom of window
  4. Paste the new license key in the first field (it will apply the separate sections across the remaining fields)
  5. Enter information in License Activation form if prompted > click Activate button

For Mac - old license not yet expired

  1. Connect to internet (must be connected to update license)
  2. Open NVivo
  3. Click NVivo dropdown in top left corner of desktop screen > click Licensing > click Deactivate
  4. Reopen NVivo
  5. In Activate NVivo window, click on or provide enterprise key to activate link toward bottom of window
  6. In License Key window, paste the new license key in the first field (it will apply the separate sections across the remaining fields) > checkbox your agreement to license terms > click Next button
  7. In License Activation window, fill in required information > click Activate button

For Mac - old license already expired

  1. Connect to internet (must be connected to update license)
  2. Open NVivo
  3. In Expired License popup window, click Activate manually link toward bottom of window
  4. Paste the new license key in the first field (it will apply the separate sections across the remaining fields)
  5. Enter information in License Activation form if prompted > click Activate button

What version of NVivo do I have?

As of 2024.07.05, there are three (3) different versions of NVivo available to GSU users – when renewing the license, you must use the key appropriate to the version you have on your computer:

NVIVO VERSION - how to find out what you've got installed:

  1. Open NVivo
  2. In left-hand blue navigation bar, click About NVivo
  3. Popup About window shows "Release" version --> first number is what version of NVivo you have installed.

NOTE: The above steps are for Windows -- I do not have access to a Mac to customize steps.