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NVivo Qualitative Data Analysis Software: Other Qual Resources

An introduction to NVivo qualitative textual & audiovisual analysis software.

"Coding Qualitative Data" Workshop - Slides + Taguette-NVivo Comparison Doc

Video Tutorial: Coding Qualitative Data Overview

-- watch till time 2:42

Frameworks for Coding (eBooks and Books @ GSU Library)

undefinedBelow are a handful of well-known books on coding practices to help you learn the analytical process of coding. REMEMBER: NVivo is just the *TOOL* for facilitating your analytical coding -- the real *ANALYSIS* comes from YOU and is informed by your research questions and your coding framework.

Qualtrics Survey Tool

Collect your own data using Qualtrics, a survey construction and data collection/evaluation tool that is available to the GSU community.

SAGE Research Methods -- Resources for Learning Soc-Sci Methods!

SAGE Research Methods -- resources for teaching & learning soc-sci methods!

SAGE Research Methods (SRM) is an amazing tool for GSU students, faculty and staff who are learning or teaching research methods and those who are conducting research across social science fields.

SRM includes:

  • a library of more than 1000 books, reference works, journal articles
  • instructional videos by leading researchers
  • full-text of the “Little Green Book” series for quantitative methods and the “Little Blue Book” series for qualitative methods
  • a repository of research case studies and datasets that can be used in the classroom or for self-guided learning
  • and much more -- check out this recorded overview session on SRM

Additional SRM Resources:

To learn more: Contact Halley from the Research Data Service (RDS) Department!

Resources for Qualitative Data & Research

Below are some resources for conducting text analysis and text mining, information about CAQDAS, creating metadata for qualitative data, finding existing qualitative data for original analyses, and more:

Research using NVivo

Methods section of a journal article with a magnifying glass on word NVivoRead others' work who used NVivo for data analysis -- see how they used it, what types of data they analyzed with it, how they wrote up their analysis, etc.

Or search for NVivo-based articles specific to your discipline: go to our A-Z Databases list and use the All Subjects dropdown menu to go to specific databases by subject.