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NVivo Qualitative Data Analysis Software: SPECIAL TOPIC: Logics & Logistics of Qualitative Research & NVivo

An introduction to NVivo qualitative textual & audiovisual analysis software.

SPECIAL TOPIC: Logics & Logistics of Qualitative Research & NVivo

A Framework for Exploring Concepts, Dimensions, and Relationships in Qualitative Data using NVivo Research Software
presented by
Dr. Ralph LaRossa and Dr. Mandy Swygart-Hobaugh

What's this presentation about?

Dr. Ralph LaRossa, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, and Dr. Mandy Swygart-Hobaugh, Librarian Professor and Head of Research Data Services, present both the theoretical-methodological logics and the applied-methodological logistics of conducting qualitative data analysis (i.e., non-statistical analysis of textual and/or audiovisual sources).

  • Dr. LaRossa discusses the steps involved in building theoretically-rich qualitative analyses (the logics).
  • Dr. Swygart-Hobaugh highlights the specific features of NVivo qualitative research software that complement and facilitate these analyses (the logistics).

Is this an in-depth training workshop on using NVivo?

No, but in-depth recorded NVivo tutorials are available.

When does this presentation happen?

Typically once a year in either Fall or Spring semester -- watch the Library's PIN calendar.

Is a recording available? Or slides?

We do not have a recording, but the slides from Dr. Mandy's portion are available above.

May I contact y'all with questions?

Yes, please do! Click here for Dr. LaRossa's email, and click here for Dr. Mandy's email.

SAGE Research Methods - check it out!

SAGE Research Methods (SRM) is an amazing tool for GSU folx who are learning or teaching research methods and those who are conducting research across social science fields:

CORE READINGS from presentation:
  • LaRossa, R. (2012). Writing and reviewing manuscripts in the multidimensional world of qualitative research. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74(4), 643-659. GSU access:
  • LaRossa, R. (2005). Grounded theory methods and qualitative family research. Journal of Marriage and Family, 67(4), 837-857. GSU access:
  • Swygart-Hobaugh, M. (2019). Bringing method to the madness: An example of integrating social science qualitative research methods into NVivo data analysis software training. IASSIST Quarterly, 43(2), 1-16. Open access:
ADDITIONAL READINGS cited in presentation:
  • Abend, G., Petre, C., & Sauder, M. (2013). Styles of causal thought: An empirical investigation. American Journal of Sociology, 119(3), 602-654. GSU access:   
  • Davis, F. (1974). Stories and sociology. Urban Life and Culture 3(3), 310-316. GSU access:
  • LaRossa, R. (2012). Thinking about the nature and scope of qualitative research. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74(4), 678-687. GSU access:
  • LaRossa, R., & Sinha, C. (2006). Constructing the transition to parenthood. Sociological Inquiry, 76(4), 433-457. GSU access:
  • LaRossa, R., & LaRossa, M.M. (1981). Transition to parenthood: How infants change families. SAGE Publications. GSU access:
  • Lareau, A. (2002). Invisible inequality: Social class and childrearing in black and white families. American Sociological Review, 67(5), 747-776.GSU access:
  • Mills, & Gitlin, T. (2000). The sociological imagination. Oxford University Press. GSU access:
  • Richardson, L. (1988). Secrecy and status: The social construction of forbidden relationships. American Sociological Review, 53(2), 209-219. GSU access:
  • Richardson, L. (1990). Writing Strategies: Reaching Diverse Audiences. SAGE Publications. GSU access:
  • Roy, K., Zvonkovic, A., Goldberg, A., Sharp, E., & LaRossa, R. (2015). Sampling richness and qualitative integrity: Challenges for research with families. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77(1), 243-260. GSU access:
  • Swanson, G. E. (1971). Frameworks for comparative research: Structural anthropology and the theory of action. In I. Vallier (Ed.), Comparative Methods in Sociology: Essays in Trends and Applications (pp. 141–202). University of California Press. GSU access:


ICPSR DATASET used in presentation:
  • LaRossa, Ralph. Parenthood in Early Twentieth-Century America Project (PETCAP), 1900-1944. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research [distributor], 2009-08-11. GSU access:

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