This unit covers routine communications, professional development, and keeping statistics.
The library uses several different communication methods for general information. In addition, campus libraries and groups may adopt various communication tools. Be sure you have turned on appropriate notifications and/or routines to keep yourself informed for your reference work as well as a GSU library employee.
Be sure to routinely check:
GSU employees are required to maintain a current calendar in Outlook and share their calendar as required by their supervisors. These calendars facilitate scheduling meetings and otherwise communicate availability to those who need to know.
Different campuses and departments use different methods to maintain internal schedules, such as a service desk schedule.
For part-time employees, it may be helpful to block off time you are unavailable during a normal workday even if it is not part of your normal schedule so you are not invited to meetings or put on the chat schedule when you are not working. (If your schedule allows flexibility on this point, you do not need to block off ALL the time you are not working.) For example, say I am part time and normally work 9-1 Monday - Friday. There is a training I want to attend on Tuesday at 2, so I can work with my supervisor to adjust my work hours so I can attend the training. However, I have a doctor's appointment on Friday and I don't want to be invited to a meeting at that time, so I go ahead and put "private meeting" or "unavailable" on my calendar so it is clear that I am unavailable.
Note that if you participate in chat in LibStaffer or research appointments using LibCal, you can synch those with your Outlook calendar so you do not need to separately maintain exceptions and appointments on your calendars.
The library, the university, and the Georgia Library Association have additional training opportunities to keep you informed and enhance your skills.
The library keeps lots of statistics! Some stats help us evaluate our services and some are required reporting to organizations outside of libraries. Here are some statistics you may be asked to keep:
Patron Transactions: When a patron asks a question at the service desk, on the phone or email, use the Patron Transaction form to report this information UNLESS the transaction is not covered in some other way. You DO record location and technology questions, and questions about GSU in general, as well as reference questions. You DO NOT need to record transactions that are recorded in some other way, such as circulation transactions (automatically recorded in ALMA) and chat reference transactions. These transactions are rated on our modified READ scale. (See video below.)
Chat reference: At the end of transactions in LibChat, you are prompted to enter statistics about the transaction. This form is similar to the patron transaction form but the information is stored separately in LibInsight. These transactions are rated on our modified READ scale. (See video below.)
Research Appointments All Reference-Instruction librarians and some Reference Specialists offer research appointments. Students (or faculty) can book these appointments online at Students can choose a specific librarian or simply choose an appointment time and a librarian available at that time will be selected automatically. Research and Engagement librarians at the Atlanta campus also offer research consultations, but each manages their appointments themselves. Students should look at the librarian's profile to get contact information. Record your research appointments in two ways:
Gate Count - Recorded daily at Perimeter campuses, each campus has its own practice on how this information is collected and entered into LibInsight. (You may or may not participate in Gate Count.)