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Online Items in the Library Catalog

In addition to books, DVDs, and other items physically located in the library, the catalog is a great way to search for ebooks, streaming videos, and other electronic items in the library's collection. Using the catalog can be particularly advantageous if you are not sure which database an item is in. For example, we have a number of streaming video databases, so if a patron wants to know if we have a particular title, you can look in the catalog rather than look in each individual database.

The video below provides a general overview of how to search for online items in the catalog. This page will also include some information about specific types of items.



Do I need to download the e-book?Ebooks may come in PDF or Epub formats or they may be downloaded to your computer or mobile device for offline reading.

  • You don't have to download to read the ebook. Many of our ebooks are available to read on your computer or device in PDF or EPub format without downloading as long as you maintain an internet connection. When you use ebooks this way, when you close them, they are not saved on your device.
  • But you can download if you need to. Downloading ebooks places a file on your device that you can access for a limited period of time. This way you can read the ebook without maintaining an internet connection.  The file will expire after your loan period (or "check out" period) is over. When you use ebooks this way, you can make notes and bookmarks. If there are a limited number of concurrent users, the entire period of your loan period will count as one user until you "return" the book or the loan expires.

For downloading instructions, see our E-book guide: 

Can I Print/Save/Email or Copy/Paste pages from the Ebook?

Look for information on each book that tells you:Publisher Permissions and Concurrent User information is in the ebook record.

  • The number of pages you my save, print, or email. This varies by book, ranging from 0-100 pages. (This is set by the publishers.)
  • If portions of the book may be copy-and-pasted.
  • The number of simultaneous users -- that is, the number of people at GSU who can use the book at the same time. (This ranges from 1 to unlimited.)

How do I navigate an ebook?

The appearance and functions of the ebook reader interface vary from database to database, but most include similar functions.  As shown in the image, these functions include:

  • Navigating by chapter
  • Navigating by page
  • Searching within the text
  • Options to adjust the view (only E-pub lets you resize the text within the page)
  • Tools to save, print, cite, and email portions of the book to yourself

Tools in the ebook interface include clicking on the chapter title, searching within the book, going to specific pages, and tools to save, email, or print select pages.

Streaming Video

GSU Libraries has many databases that contain streaming video. As with ebooks, we have a Video Libguide that discusses each of these collections.

The catalog only lists videos that we currently have access to. (There may be some delay for new videos or expired videos in the catalog record update.)

There are two databases that faculty can request additional video titles:

  • SWANK includes feature films and full-length documentaries. The item must be in the SWANK catalog for us to add it. These licenses are expensive, so we limit them to situations where the video is required viewing outside of class for the students or if they will be used in multiple sections of a class. If the usage is likely to be low, we encourage faculty to require their students to rent the video or find it on a streaming service. (We will help look for those videos - IMDB or Google often list sources.)
  • Kanopy database will display videos in their collection that we do not currently license and faculty can request that the item be added to the active collection.

Most licenses are for one year, but if the faculty member regularly uses the video, they can request a three year license in some cases.

These videos are for educational purposes only and cannot be used for public performances. See the Video LibGuide's Public Performance page for more information.

Quiz for Unit 5A