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Reference training


In this section we will talk about using the Discover tool and other ways to navigate the library's databases. Having a good working knowledge of these resources is essential to connecting patrons with the information they need, but since our database list has 455 entries, we will only be hitting the highlights of some of our most frequently used databases in this section!

Database Tutorial

The library has over 400 databases. Some are part of our statewide consortium, GALILEO, while others are paid for by Georgia State University Library. The list of databases can vary from year to year -- usually changing with the fiscal year on July 1.

All of the databases can be accessed through the library homepage. The "Discover" search includes most EBSCO databases, our catalog resources, and some other databases, but it is important to remember that it does not include ALL of our database resources.

Pros and Cons of the Discover Search

  • It's good for multi-disciplinary searches or when you're not sure where to look.
  • Results can be overwhelming, so it's important to use limiters, advanced search tools, and search strategies to refine results.
  • Many subject-specific databases include specialized search tools that Discover does not.

In this unit, you will complete a tutorial for the Discover Search and learn some basic search strategies. Next, you will explore some commonly used databases on your own to complete a worksheet. This is only the beginning! As a Reference Specialist, you should familiarize yourself with new and existing databases and attend to notifications about changes to the content or interfaces.

First, complete this tutorial:

Database Exercise

In this exercise, you will explore some GSU databases. Print one "Database Exploration Exercise Worksheet" for each four databases you want to explore.

For each database, you will be asked to explore:

  • What kinds of topics are included in the database?
  • What formats are included?
  • What is the intended audience for the database content?
  • Does the basic search require boolean operators? Do Boolean operators impact the search at all?
  • What limiters are offered?  (Especially note unusual limiters)
  • How is the advanced search different from the basic search?
  • What kinds of searches or directories are available outside the basic/advanced search?
  • Can you save, print, or email articles?
  • What kinds of citation tools are available? (How's the quality?)

Databases to explore:

  • Academic Search Complete
  • CQ Researcher
  • Gale eBooks
  • Literary Reference Center Plus
  • Bloom's Literature
  • Proquest Central
  • Proquest News & Newspapers
  • Ebooks on Ebscohost
  • Ebook Central
  • ERIC
  • Business Source Complete
  • SIRs Researcher
  • Issues & Controversies
  • Points of View Reference Center
  • Learning Express Library
  • Ask ADH to prioritize and for additional suggestions

Video databases:

  • Films on Demand
  • Kanopy