Provides 15 years of company financial statement data. Includes "As Reported," Restated" and "Standardized" data formats. May be downloaded into an Excel spreadsheet and has a currency converter. Only provides data on currently active public companies. Very easy to use.
Books Containing Company Financial Data
Standard & Poor’s Stock Reports
Call Number: HG4905 .S42
Provides basic financial statement and market data. Library collection dates back to 1973.
Value Line Investment Survey
Call Number: HG4501 .V262
Provides basic financial data for investment purposies. Library collection dates back to 1965. Located in print and in microfilm. Check catalog for more details.
Moody’s/Mergent Industrial Manual
Call Number: HG4961 .M67
Years Available: 1954-present (microfiche, LN1); 1985-2002 (book, LN4)
Before there were databases, there were books that contained company financial data. The library continues to collect many of these resources which enables researchers to access historical financial information.