For current international news, try the following databases:
A business research tool for finding information on politics, current events, and government data. Warning: Use is restricted to reader access for research & education purposes only. Text mining prohibited. Analytics of the content is also not permitted..
Provides limited access to Atlanta Business Chronicle. Login information is belowTO LOGIN TO FACTIVA
Go to:
Enter and select “Georgia State University Library” in the “Find My Institution” search box
The login information for Factiva will be displayed. If prompted, use the username and password provided.
Available to GSU affiliates only.
Research diverse perspectives, topics and trends that align with curricular areas such as Political Science, English, Sociology, Humanities, Business, International Studies and more. Features over 14,000 reliable, credible information from a wide variety of international, national, and local news sources. Coverage from the 1980s to current, updated daily. Click here to watch video on how to conduct a basic search.
Selected sources for international news. These may focus on current news rather than historical news, but can be useful for identifying newspaper titles.
Search the International Coalition on Newspapers (ICON) (a project of the Center for Research Libraries) for digitized international newspapers.
ICON lists newspapers by country and US state.