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New Login Procedure

Please follow instructions below for logging into Factiva.


A business research tool for finding information on politics, current events, and government data. Warning: Use is restricted to reader access for research & education purposes only. Text mining prohibited. Analytics of the content is also not permitted..

Provides limited access to Atlanta Business Chronicle.  Login information is belowTO LOGIN TO FACTIVA

Go to:

Enter and select “Georgia State University Library” in the “Find My Institution” search box

The login information for Factiva will be displayed. If prompted, use the username and password provided.


  • The Factiva link will not work if bookmarked. You must access via MyAthens each time.
  • Our Factiva license is limited to 10 simultaneous users. If you see an error message indicating “username and password is already in use,” it means the maximum number of simultaneous users has been reached. 
  • When you have finished your research, please log out so that other users may access the system.

