Use the library's catalogue to search for holdings of a particular newspaper. This will tell you if we have the journal in paper, microfilm, or online. You will likely be pointed to newspapers on microfilm in addition to or instead of an online collection. Here is the record for a newspaper title, the Daily National Intelligencer, on microfilm. Microfilm is located on Atlanta Library North 1.
Nearly 120 years of coverage from Georgia's most influential newspaper. A comprehensive digital archive of local, state and national history.
Digital reproduction of the printed Christian Science Monitor newspaper, covering issues published from 1908 to 2009. Extensive indexing for each issue.
Provides access to daily news, data, and analysis of current issues faced by universities dating back to 1989. Also provideds access to the Almanac of Higher Education, The Trends Report, and other newsletters with the creation of a free account.
This indexing provides access to top news stories, and covers bibliographic information, companies, people, and products ranging from 1987 - current.
Newspapers and indexes that are available online through the University Library are designated by the name of the database that contains the newspaper/index, for example, "ProQuest Central." To locate and access a database, go to the List of Databases located at and use the database locator.
Note: This is NOT a comprehensive list of every newspaper held by the GSU Library. Use the "Find Journals" tab on the library's catalogue to search for holdings of a particular newspaper. This will tell you if we have the journal in paper, microfilm, or online. Microfilm is located on Atlanta Library North 1.
Formerly Accessible Archives. A collection of African American newspapers containing a wealth of first-hand reports about cultural life and history during the 1800s.
Contains articles published from The New York Herald, The Charleston Mercury, and the Richmond Enquirer. Includes eye-witness accounts, official reports of battles, editorials, advertisements, bibliographies, and descriptions of travel, arts and leisure, sports, and social events. Coverage: November 1, 1860 and April 15, 1865.
Coverage spans from 1847-1922 for the following titles: Atlanta Daily Examiner, Atlanta Daily Herald, Atlanta Georgian, Atlanta Intelligencer, Atlantian, Daily/Georgia Weekly Opinion, Gate-City Guardian, Georgia Literary and Temperance Crusader, New Era, Southern Confederacy, Southern Miscellany and Upper Georgia Whig, Southern World, Sunny South, and the Weekly Constitution.
AS THE ONLY major daily newspaper in the Atlanta area, The AC provides a glimpse into the political, economic, cultural, and social life of the southeastern United States. Content ranging from Reconstruction through the late 20th century.
Nearly 120 years of coverage from Georgia's most influential newspaper. A comprehensive digital archive of local, state and national history.
Founded in 1928 by W. A. Scott, the Atlanta Daily World became the first successful African American daily newspaper in the United States.
The digitized Chicago Defender served as the de facto national black newspaper in the U.S., and was the most influential African-American newspaper of the 20th century. Coverage: 1910 to 1975.
Newspapers and indexes that are available online through the University Library are designated by the name of the database that contains the newspaper/index, for example, "ProQuest Central". To locate and access a database, go to the List of Databases located at and use the database locator.
Note: this is NOT a comprehensive list of every newspaper held by the GSU Library. Use the "Journals" tab on the library's catalogue to search for holdings of a particular newspaper. This will tell you if we have the journal online, in paper or in microfilm.
Indexes & Issues |
Time Period Covered | Call Number/Location in The University Library |
19th Century U.S. Newspapers (Includes nearly 400 titles; does not include every newspaper published in the 19th century) |
1800 - 1899 | Online 19th Century U.S. Newspapers |
Atlanta Constitution Index | ||
1868 - Present | AJC Archives (fees may apply) | |
1925 - 1954 | Microfilm AN2.G4 A726 | |
1971 - 1979 | AI21.A87 A86 Reference (LN 1) |
1980 - 1982 | Printed Cards Ask at Reference (LN 1) |
1982 - Present | AI21.A87 A86 Reference (LN 1) |
1995 - 2002 | Online ProQuest US Newsstream | |
Atlanta Constitution | ||
1868 - 1984 | Online ProQuest Historical Atlanta Constitution | |
1868 - present | AN2.G4 A726 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Atlanta Daily World | 1931-1932, 1934-1964, 1970- | AN2.G4 A723 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
1931 - 2003 | Online ProQuest Historical Atlanta Daily World | |
Atlanta Journal Index | 1944 - 1979 | Microfiche AI21.A87 (LN 1) |
1982 - 2001 | AI21.A87 A86 Reference (LN 1) |
1995 - 2002 | Online ProQuest US Newsstream | |
Atlanta Journal | 1883 - 2001 | AN2.G4 A726 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
1883 - 1985 | Online NewsBank Atlanta Journal-Constitution Historical Archive 1883 - Current | |
1985 - 2001 | Online NewsBank Atlanta Journal-Constitution Historical Archive 1883 - Current | |
1996 - 2001 | Online ProQuest US Newsstream | |
Atlanta Journal-Constitution (papers merged in 2001)
1864 - 1984 | Online ProQuest Historical Atlanta Constitution |
1985 - present | Online NewsBank Atlanta Journal-Constitution Historical Archive 1883 - Current (text) | |
2001 - present | Online ProQuest US Newsstream | |
2017 - present | Online NewsBank Atlanta Journal-Constitution Historical Archive 1883 - Current (color image of newspaper) | |
Atlanta Journal-Constitution Blogs | 2008 - Current | Online NewsBank Atlanta Journal-Constitution Historical Archive 1883 - Current (text) |
Atlanta Journal-Constitution Web Edition articles | 2013 - Current | Online NewsBank Atlanta Journal-Constitution Historical Archive 1883 - Current (text) |
Boston Evening Transcript (Continues Daily Evening Transcript) |
1854 - 1861 | AN2.M4 B733 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
The Charleston Mercury (Charleston, SC) |
1860 - 1865 | Online The Civil War: A Newspaper Perspective |
The Chicago Defender Chicago, IL |
1910 - 1975 | Online ProQuest Historical Chicago Defender |
The Christian Recorder Philadelphia, PA |
1861 - 1862 | Online African-American Newspapers |
The Colored American (Continues The Weekly Advocate) New York |
1837 - 1841 | Online African-American Newspapers |
Commercial Appeal (Memphis, TN) |
1894 - 1989 | AN2.T2 M43 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Confederate Newspapers [This collection is a mixture of newspapers published in Florida, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia and Alabama between 1858-1866.] |
1858 - 1866 | E482.C66 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Daily Evening Transcript (Boston, MA; predecessor to Boston Evening Transcript) |
1850 - 1853 | AN2.M4 B733 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Daily National Intelligencer (Washington, D.C.)* *Continues National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser |
1813 - 1869 | AN2.D6 W44 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Frederick Douglass Paper Rochester, NY |
1851 - 1852 | Online African-American Newspapers |
Freedom's Journal (New York) |
1827 - 1829 | Online African-American Newspapers |
The Globe (Washington, D.C.) |
1830 - 1845 | AN2.D6 W445 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Harper's Weekly | 1857 - 1912 |
Online HarpWeek |
1860 - 1872 | AN2.N7 N547 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Los Angeles Times | 1972 - 2009 | AN2 .C2 L758 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
1985-Present | Online ProQuest Los Angeles Times | |
Maryland Gazette | 1745 - 1839 | AN2.M3 A462 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
The National Era (Washington, DC) |
1847 - 1853 | Online African-American Newspapers |
National Intelligencer and Washington Advertiser* *Precedes Daily National Intelligencer |
1800 - 1812 | AN2.D6 W44 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
New York Age | 1905 - 1960 | AN2.N7 N574 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
New York Daily Tribune (Includes New York Tribune) |
1841 - 1879 | AN2.N7 N578 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
The New York Herald | 1860 - 1865 | Online The Civil War: A Newspaper Perspective |
The New York Journal* *Precedes New York Journal and Advertiser |
1766 - 1776 | AN2.A2 N575 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
New York Journal and Advertiser* *Continues New York Journal |
1897 - 1901 | AN2.N7 N576 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
New York Times Index | ||
1981 - present |
Article Archive: 1981-present | |
Sept.1851 -Dec.1980 | The New York Times Article Archive, 1851-1980 |
1930 - 1944 | AI21.N44 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
1851-1929 1945-Present |
AI21 .N44 (LN 5) | |
New York Times | 1851 - 2014 | Online ProQuest Historical New York Times |
1857 - 2009 | AN2.N7 N573 Newspaper Microfilm (1857-2002 in storage) |
1980 - Present | Online ProQuest New York Times | |
New York Tribune | 1841 - 1887 | AN2.N7 N578 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Niles' Register Index | 1811 - 1849 | CD-ROM REF. JK6.N53 Reference (LN 2) |
Niles' National Register | 1837 - 1849 | JK6.N5 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Niles' Weekly Register | 1811 - 1837 | JK6.N5 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
The North Star (Rochester, NY) |
1847 - 1851 | Online African-American Newspapers |
Pennsylvania Chronicle and Universal Advertiser | 1767 - 1774 | AN2.A2 P463 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Pennsylvania Gazette | 1728 - 1815 | CD-ROM AN2.A2 P464 Ask at Reference (LN 2) |
1728 - 1800 | Online The Pennsylvania Gazette | |
1731 - 1815 | AN2.A2 P464 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Pennsylvania Journal and the Weekly Advertiser | 1742 - 1793 | AN2.A2 P465 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Philadelphia Gazette and Daily Advertiser* *(Also called Federal Gazette) |
1788 - 1802 | AN2.A2 P4642 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Provincial Freeman (Chatham, Canada West) |
1854 - 1857 | Online African-American Newspapers |
The Revolution | 1868 - 1871 | HN51.R5 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Richmond Daily Whig | 1860- 1865 | AN2.V8 R573 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Richmond Enquirer | 1804 - 1867 | AN2.V8 R574 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
1860 - 1865 | Online The Civil War: A Newspaper Perspective | |
Richmond Whig and Advertiser | 1835 - 1861, 1865 1868 - 1874 |
AN2.V8 R579 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Times-Picayune Index (New Orleans, LA) |
1972 -1988 | AI21.T66 N49 Reference (LN 1) |
Times-Picayune (New Orleans, LA) |
1898-1988 | AN2.L8 N48 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
1992 - 1996 | Online ProQuest US Newsstream | |
United States Gazette (Philadelphia, PA) |
1794-1795,1800-1818, 1820-1830,1833-1838, 1840 - 1847 |
AN2.P4 P584 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
United States Telegraph (Washington, D.C.) |
1826 - 1837 | AN2.D6 W488 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
The Virginia Gazette Index | 1736 - 1780 | AI21.V5 (LN 4) |
The Virginia Gazette (Williamsburg, VA) |
1736 - 1780 | AN2.V8 W584 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Wall Street Journal Index | 1955 - Present | HG1.W26 (LN 5) |
Wall Street Journal | 1889 - 2009 | HG1.W154 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
1979 - Present | Online Factiva | |
1984 - Present | Online ProQuest Wall Street Journal | |
Washington Afro-American and the Washington Tribune | 1932 - 1988 | AN2.D6 W492 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
Washington Evening Star | 1852 - 1981 | Online Newsbank Washington Evening Star |
Washington Post Index | 1979 - 1989 | AI 21 .W33 O32 (LN 5) |
1971, 1976 - 1978, 1989 - 1999 | AI 21 .W33 W36 (LN 5) | |
Washington Post | 1969 - 2009 | AN2.D6 W497 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
1987 - Present | Online ProQuest Washington Post | |
Woman's Journal (Boston, MA) |
1870 - 1899 | HQ1101.W6 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |
World (New York) |
1895 - 1901 | AN2.N7 N579 Newspaper Microfilm (LN 1) |