CASA/Humanities Inclusivity Program (Summer 2023)

Start At The Library's Homepage!

Start with the Library's homepage for

Curious About Zotero? Here's a How-To Zotero Session

This is a session on getting started with Zotero that Jill Anderson (Humanities Instruction Librarian) taught for Prof. Tim Barouch's graduate Communication course on the Politics of Injury: Trauma Communication (and Law).

See the library's Zotero guide on this guide (also linked from the Zotero tab above) for lots more information about getting started with and using Zotero.

Jason Puckett (the creator of our main Zotero guide) has also included recordings of his general Zotero workshops on that guide as well.

Getting Help: Subject Librarians

Every department at GSU generally has a subject librarian assigned to it. 

To find your subject librarian, click here and select the relevant department (click on a College or School's link to find specific departments).

If you aren't sure who to contact, Jill (Humanities Instruction Librarian) can help you get started and find the best person to talk with. 

photograph of Joel Glogowski, Nursing/Data Services Librarian, and John Bodnar

Joel Glogowski, Nursing/Data Services Librarian

Getting Help: GSU Library Research Guides

Try looking at a GSU Library Research Guide!

We have research guides available for every department on campus. You can look at any guide regardless of what department you are associated with.

Start here to find helpful guides! 

(To get to the guide you are looking at right now, use this URL:

We also have other categories of research guides available for help (all linked from the main Research Guides page)

  • *Citing and Bibliographies
  • *Library Technology, Tutorials, and Software
  • *Publishing and Open Access
  • Data Services
  • General and Interdisciplinary Research

Subject Librarian

Getting Help: Live Assistance / Chat Reference

We offer live virtual reference assistance on weekdays. To get started, use the Chat With Us, white lettering on red background from the Live Assistance box on the library's homepage.

(note: this is just a picture -- go to to start a chat session)

You can email yourself a transcript of your chat session (helpful if the response included links)

Clicking on "Or search for an answer" will take you to a list of frequently asked questions that may also give you the answer you need.