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SCOM 1500: Public Speaking: Current Events Topics

The Information Cycle

The Information Cycle follows the progression of coverage of newsworthy event (i.e. current event) through various forms of media.

Knowing about and understanding the information cycle will help you choose and evaluate information sources covering your topic.


Current Events and the Information Cycle

Wondering how current events cycle through various types of media? In this short video you will see how an event cycles through various forms of media over time.

Useful Databases

The University library provides access to a variety of general databases for researching current and/or controversial issues. Click on the links below or explore a list of available article databases from this A to Z list.

News on the Web

Keep current with a few popular national and international news media outlets.

Associated Press

The Associated Press offers a range of news features and videos on a wide variety of topics. The AP also has a YouTube channel which includes both current and historical news videos.

BBC News

The British Broadcasting Company offers news features from around the world on a wide variety of topics from technology and health. The website also includes access to special reports and video reports. Just use the tool bar near the top of the page to view top stories from other countries.


CNN features a searchable archives and live streaming video that is continuously updated throughout the day but be sure to read about IReport which gives students and news enthusiast the opportunity to share news with the world. 

FOX News

 Offers breaking news headlines and comprehensive news coverage from the U.S. and worldwide. Ocasionally check the live video feed schedule for interesting reporting on a variety of current topics.


Browse some of the podcasts NPR offers. Options like Tell Me More  captures news headlines along with a variety of topics (politics, spirituality, family, finance, arts, and lifestyle) relevant to multicultural life in America.

Looking for CURRENT Newspapers?

Select "Newspapers" in the Databases by Subject dropdown menu on the library's homepage to get a listing of all of our newspaper databases
(both current and historical).

***Please note: The library no longer subscribes to Nexis Uni.***

Try these databases for current newspaper coverage: