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Dual Enrollment (Move On When Ready): Find Books (GIL)

Tips for Navigating the Dual Enrollment process

Search GSU Libraries

This box searches GSU library collections at all campuses.

Change the drop-down menu from "Georgia State University" to "University System of Georgia" to search all USG libraries.

GIL-Find library catalog

The GIL-Find Catalog allows you to search for books, ebooks, and other items at GSU Libraries as well as libraries throughout the University System of Georgia.


GIL-Find Library catalog

Use the GIL-Find library catalog, to find materials at all Georgia State University campus libraries, as well materials from other University System of Georgia Libraries. 

Tips for Literary Criticism or Author Biography searching:

  • Use the author's name as a subject term when looking for information about the author or the author's work.
  • Put quotation marks around the title of your the literary work you are researching to indicate an exact phrase.
  • Try using the word "criticism" or "biography" as appropriate.
  • Omit A, An, and The when those words are the first word of a title.
  • More tips on the Search Tips for Lit Crit page

In the Advanced Search, use the drop down boxes to search for terms within a certain field. This image shows an example of how to search for information about Ernest Hemingway (the subject) that mentions The Old Man and the Sea or The Sun Also Rises in any field. 

In the GIL Find advanced search, use the dropdown options to control your search

Working with Library Catalog Results

  • Use limiters such as "Availability," and "Format" to refine your results. 
  • ​When you see an item you're interested in, click on the title to get information about the item's location, availability and more.
  • Electronic items will contain an access link.


Use "Tweak my results" to control results by format, date, or campus. Click on the title for more information or to request.

To find a book in the library, note its location and call number (highlighted in the image below). If call numbers confuse you, you are not alone! Just ask a library employee for help.  (I've included a video below in case you're shy.)

Click on "Other locations" for more locations and other information.

If the item isn't at your library, you can usually request that it be delivered to the library most convenient to you. (See "Place a Request.")

Image from catalog showing call number.

Place a Request

You can request a book or other item physically located at another campus by requesting an "Intercampus Loan."  This typically takes 1-3 business days.

Request books from other USG libraries by placing a "GIL Express Request." This typically takes 3-7 business days.

To place requests, click "Get It," log into your account, then follow the prompts. Be sure you indicate the campus where you want to pick up the item.

To place a request, click "sign in," then click "Request."

After placing your request,  you can check your account to see the status of the request.  You should also get an email if the request is denied (for example, if the book is not found on the shelf) or when the book is available for pick up.

Sign into your library account to renew items, check request status, and get the GALILEO password.

Searching USG Libraries

Find more books at other libraries in the University System of Georgia by expanding your search to "University System of Georgia."

Search all USG Libraries by changing the scope of your search using the dropdown box in the Basic Search.


Only books may be requested from other USG libraries. Electronic books, DVDs, and other non-book media are not included.

To request copies of articles from print journals and non-circulating books, place an Interlibrary Loan request: