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Argument and More: General Resesarch Guide: Note Taking

Here is help with research for argument and expository papers for any introductory English, writing, or communications course, including Engl1101 and Comm1201.

Note Taking

Note Taking Strategies

There is no one-size-fits-all, correct, or best method for taking notes in introductory Englisgh or communication courses. There are, however, a variety of methods, one or more of which may work for you. Feel free to edit these methods to suit your convenience and personal style.

Diagram/Structure Based Methods

These methods rely on structures or diagrams to information. Most structural methods started out as strategies for taking notes from dictation in large, lecture classes, but you can use structures and diagrams for taking notes for a paper. Structures can also organize notes that you have all ready taken.

Cornell Method Notes
Cornell Method
Outline Method Notes
Outline Method

California Polytechnic used to offer an overview! of a variety of these methods with instructions on implementing structural systems and explains their advantages and possible disadvantages, and Muskingum University also once offered descriptions of note taking methods with detailed diagrams and instructions. Alas both these pages have moved or disappeared. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Mind mapping, also called concept mapping, is a highly graphic method of organizing information. Massey University in New Zealand offers instructions on both note taking and mind/concept mapping as well as a guide to note taking as well.


Mind Mapping
Mind Mapping

"Sloppy" Methods

Even "slobs" who freeze up at the idea of structured note taking, can still organize information for their papers. For those who prefer to arrange their notes after the fact, Overwhelmed by Research at can help tame an overwhelming pile of information.

Note Taking Without Paper

MS Office And yes, you can take notes without pen, paper, or notebook. It is possible to take notes highly readable using MS Word or Wordpad, or any other word processing program using a lap top. You can also use your word processing program to create templates for Cornell notes, mind mapping, or outlines.

evernote Both Google Drive and let you keep notes "in the cloud" (on the web) without having to worry about flash drives. Unless you all ready have Gmail, both sites require registration. Notes on Google Drive's documents closely resemble those made with MS Word, while Evernote keeps your notes in a searchable database.

To learn more about note taking software, please visit this guide's Note Taking Software Page.

Getting the Most from Your Reading

It almost goes without saying, that to take effective notes, you have to understand what you read. Although most reading strategies are designed for textbooks, they can also work for journal articles, newspapers, magazines, and more general books. There are highly structured reading methods such as S3QR and KWL and more general guides such as those available at Massey University offers advice to those who need to get the most out of complex works.

Note Taking Sources at a Glance

Note Taking, Research Help, and Effective Reading Sites
Thought.Co -- Homework Helps -- Offers help with note taking, essay writing, reading strategies, with several articles for paper writers.
College of St. Benedict and St. Johns University Study Formula SQ3R -- Gives an in depth explanation of the SQ3R reading strategy. -- Create a searchable database for your notes in the cloud. Your notes are available wherever you have internet access.
Google Drive -- Take and store your notes in a word processed document. You can share notes with friends, none of whom have to read your handwriting.
Massey University -- Mind Maps -- Offers a detailed explanation of mind mapping, also called concept mapping.
Massey University -- Note Taking -- Details the various note taking systems with explanations.
Study Study Guides and Strategies -- Covers an assortment of reading strategies and mind mapping.