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Digital Literacies: A Guide to Higher Education Applications: DIGITAL LITERACIES AND CAREER READINESS


Ferrari, A. (2013). DIGCOMP: A framework for developing and understanding digital competence in Europe. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.


Ala-Mutka. (2011). Mapping digital competence: Towards a conceptual understanding. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union.

Digital literacies are the skills required to achieve digital competence...underpinned by basic technical use of computers and the Internet. These skills are a requirement leading into digital competence.  


Cobo, C. (2013). Skills for innovation: Envisioning an education that prepares for the changing world. Curriculum Journal, 24(1), 67-85.  10.1080/09585176.2012.744330

Discusses key conditions needed to develop skills for innovation.  Two key elements: (1) fluctuating relationship between digital technologies and contents; and (2) the development of soft skills. Thus, promoting the development of critical thinking skills.  The challenge is promoting and teaching these skills across an array of different environments.    


Artello, K. K. (2014). What they learned: Using multimedia to engage undergraduates in research. Innovative Higher Education, 39(2), 169-179. doi:10.1007/s10755-013-9266-z

Study conducted with students enrolled in Introduction to Criminal Justice course (CRIMJ 100).  Each student had to create a PSA (Public Service Announcement) on a societal issue using and developing their digital literacy skills. Overall, most participants identified having an increased in critical thinking skills. 


Boyles, T. (2012). 21st century knowledge, skills, and abilities and entrepreneurial competencies: A model for undergraduate entrepreneurship education. Journal of Entrepreneurship Education, 15, 41-55.

The increased demand for a highly skilled workforce has contributed to the rising importance of obtaining a college education. However, recent studies indicate that newly hired college graduates do not excel in these higher-level knowledge and information based skills at the level that employers desire. In response to this there have been multiple calls for educators at all levels to recognize the challenges and opportunities in today’s economy and to ensure that students develop the “21st century” knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) they need. 


Bates, D. (2013). Are ‘digital natives’ equipped to conquer the legal landscape? Legal Information Management, 13(3), 172. doi:10.1017/S1472669613000418     

Argues/demonstrates that college graduates are overestimating their digital literacy abilities/readiness for the workplace. This article lists very specific digital literacy requirements for law-school readiness. Most notably: the ability to use electronic resources to locate and analyze primary sources. "...they simply do not recognise that they have a problem: there is a big gap between their actual performance and their self-estimates of information skill."


Hart Research Associates (2015). Falling short? College learning and career success. Selected findings from an online survey of employers and college students conducted on behalf of the Association of American Colleges & Universities. 

The majority of employers continue to say that possessing both field-specific knowledge and a broad range of knowledge/skills is important for recent college graduates to achieve for long-term career success.  Written and oral communication skills, teamwork skills, ethical decision-making, critical thinking skills, and the ability to apply knowledge in real-world settings are the most valued. Employers endorse applied learning in college. Employers say, when evaluating a job candidate, an e-portfolio would be helpful plus a resume and transcript 


McDermott, R., Daniels, M., Cajander, A., Cullhed, M., Clear, T., & Laxer, C. (2012). Student reflections on collaborative technology in a globally distributed student project. 2012 Frontiers In Education Conference Proceedings, 1. doi:10.1109/FIE.2012.6462410

A real world of using collaborative technology for a class assignment linked to a real world organization is represented in this article.  Students must understand how the technology can affect a project's outcome. It's not just about the people involved in the project, but the choice of technology/software can also impact how a project turns out.