Teaching with Business Case Studies: Online Resources

This guide is designed to help faculty and instructors locate business cases currently available through the library and online resources.

Why Cite?

Most academic work draws upon the works of others; therefore, citing your sources is an important part of the scholarly writing process.


Citations include the key elements that allow your sources to be identified and located. These elements vary depending upon the type of resource.

There are several reasons to cite your sources:

  • Give proper credit to the ideas, words, and works of others you use in your research
  • Allow readers to find your sources - so they can determine if they are reliable, better evaluate your argument, and locate additional information
  • Avoid plagiarism (see Georgia State University Academic Honesty Policy.)

Citation help on the web

What is a Citation Manager?

Citation managers, or bibliographic management software, can save you hours by keeping track of your sources and formatting your bibliographies.

EndNote and EndNote Web are available at no cost to GSU students, faculty and staff. Zotero is available as a free Firefox plugin for anyone to download.


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Christina Gangwisch