GSU Library cannot purchase cases for the library’s collections, or request cases through Interlibrary Loan. However, individuals may purchase copies of cases for their own personal use directly from Harvard Business Publishing. Harvard Business School Case Studies are limited to classroom use by individual students due to licensing restrictions.
Case studies and articles can be found in the Harvard Business Review (HBR) journal and accessible through Business Source Complete. Under our licensing agreement, faculty can use HBR articles for research and may not link them as course materials in iCollege or class syllabi.
To use HBR content as teaching materials, faculty can register for an educator account on the HBR website. Instructors can access educator copies of HBR materials, including articles plus case studies, online courses, simulations, exercises, and multimedia cases with an educator account. Additional registering information is here: Professors - Register for Educator Access – Harvard Business Publishing Education Note: Registering an account is free, but additional subscription costs are associated with these HBR materials.