ORCID is a free 16-digit number associated with a record of all your research. It is now required for grant applications to NIH, AHRQ, CDC, and NSF, but it's also a great way to claim and distinguish your professional accomplishments! More information here:
Learn more about creating a research presentation poster here: https://research.library.gsu.edu/posterpresentations
This is a GSU branded 48" x 36" poster template that is freely available to download and edit for your presentation.
Click on the image or file link to download the file to your computer. Once it is downloaded, you can then open the file in PowerPoint or Google Slides.
(If you don't have PowerPoint installed on your device, you can download Microsoft Office Suite through your GSU email account.)
Once the poster is open, you can click on any of the graphics or text to edit, remove and insert your own information. Use the section headings and elements that make sense for your presentation and discard those that you do not need.