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GRA Ready: Health Sciences Research Assistantships

Getting Your Assignment

Before beginning a research assignment for a professor, you should know the answers to the following questions to guide your research process:  

  • Are there any sources or databases in particular I should look at? Are there any sources I should avoid? 

  • Has anybody worked on this issue before? Is there a sample document from a previous GRA or other work that I could see as an example? 

  • What do you expect me to find?

  • In what format do you want the answer? (e.g. email, bibliography, WebEx meeting)

  • How much time do you expect this research will take? What is the deadline? 

  • Would you like me to check in periodically? If so, how often, and in what format?


  • Always take notes when meeting with your professor. 

  • Repeat the essentials of the assignment back to your professor to ensure you understand your task, including its scope, deadlines and expected outputs.  

  • If you have a question, seek help! 

  • When reporting on results, prepare beforehand and try to anticipate questions the professor is likely to ask.  

  • Write professionally in all communications. 

  • Clarify the expected modes of communication and maintain them with the professor. 

  • Follow up promptly after meetings and reviews. 

  • Develop a research strategy and track your work and time spent. 

  • Alert your professor to any anticipated delays or outages as soon as possible.