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Mathematics & Statistics: Subject Guide: General Resources

What kinds of resources do you need?

Current research and experiments: Look for scholarly articles in one of our databases.

  • Looking for a topic in mathematics? Start with JSTOR or MathSciNet.
  • Looking for the most up-to-date research? Try arXiv, which includes preprints (papers that will later be published in journals).
  • Looking for a topic that includes other disciplines? Use Web of Science for all sciences and ERIC for mathematics education. 

An overview of a topic: Look for books or reference materials using our catalog.

  • Looking for a brief overview of a topic you don’t already know? Search our catalog for the word “encyclopedia” plus a broad topic (ex. encyclopedia math*). Or browse our reference collection on Library North 2 (look under Q for science and mathematics, L for education, and for social sciences (including statistical data)).
  • Looking for in-depth explorations of a topic or field? Search our catalog for books on that topic. If you don’t find anything, search for a broader topic (e.g. numerical linear algebra instead of Gauss-Seidel).
  • Looking for up-to-date overviews of recent research? Look for review articles in one of the above databases.

Statistical data

Choose the proper category in the Statistical Information and Data Research Guide.

Math help

  • For tutoring and homework help, try contacting the MAC or MILE, linked below.
  • For brushing up on new concepts, search our catalog for phrases like "beginning calculus" to find books meant for new learners. 
  • Khan Academy contains hundreds of short videos on mathematical topics, including graded exercises.

Mathematics & Statistics Resources

Maple, MATLAB, SAS. SPSS, Stata and other programs are available in the Mathematics & Statistics Department as well as from GSU Virtual Lab and ITS.  The Library computers (LN1 & LN2) have MATLAB, NVivo, SAS, and SPSS installed. See GSU Mathworks for downloading.

Visit the Data Analysis Libguide for information on current data analysis software as well as resources on how to analyze data.