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LaTeX document preparation system

Getting Started with Figures

To include images in LaTeX you need to include a new package in the preamble of your document: \usepackage{graphicx}. You will also need to add the path to your figures folder with \graphicspath{ {figures/} }.

  • Create a new folder in your Overleaf document named figures (upper left above main.tex). 
  • Add the image to your document by using the upload button (upper left above your figures folder). 
  • To include a figure we are going to use figure environment
  • To include a figure you just need to add \includegraphics{} argument.

It is useful, though, to include the image in a figure frame by creating a figure environment. In Overleaf, if you create a figure environment, Overleaf automatically creates the following code that centers your image with default caption and label:

The size of the figure can be modified by specifying the width or height of the figure.


You can also use \textwidth and \paperwidth to specify relative sizes. 



Getting Started with Tables

Creating tables in LaTeX is straightforward and offers plenty of customization options. Here’s a quick guide:

To create a simple table, use the tabular environment: