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LaTeX document preparation system

Creating Beamer Presentation

Beamer is a LaTeX class for creating presentations. It allows you to create professional-looking slides with ease. Here's a quick guide to get you started.

Basic Structure

A Beamer presentation is structured similarly to a LaTeX article, with some key differences. Here’s the basic structure of a Beamer document:



  \frametitle{Title of the Slide}
  This is some text in the slide.


This code will produce the following:

Adding More Content

Creating a Beamer Presentation

Document Class:

  • Use \documentclass{beamer} to specify the Beamer class.
  • Each slide is created within a `frame` environment.


  • The \frametitle{} command sets the title of the slide.

Example Presentation


\title{My Presentation}
\author{Author Name}



  Welcome to my presentation!

    \includegraphics[width = 5 cm, height = 4 cm]{books.jpg}
    \caption{Reading books is fun!}



\section{First Section}

  \frametitle{First Slide}
  Here is some text for the first slide.

\section{Second Section}

  \frametitle{Second Slide}
  Here is some text for the second slide.


This code creates the following set of slides:

Adding Content

Creating figures, tables, and lists in Beamer is the same as in an article. The only difference is the environment in which they are placed.