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LaTeX document preparation system

Quick Guide for Cross References

In LaTeX, we can reference sections, figures, tables, formulas, and other numbered elements using specific commands. To mark an object for referencing, use \label{marker}. To refer back to this marked object, use \ref{marker}, and to print the page number where the object is located, use \pageref{marker}. Replace "marker" with a word of your choice that identifies the object.

For instance, to reference a previously created section titled "Introduction":

\section{Introduction} \label{sec:intro}

To refer to this section elsewhere in the document:

As discussed in section \ref{sec:intro}, on page \pageref{sec:intro}, this topic has been explored by other researchers.

Similarly, for referencing a figure:


\includegraphics[width = 10cm, height = 8cm]{figures/figure_1.jpg}

\caption{My laptop conducting analysis}



Later in the text:

As depicted in Figure \ref{fig:laptop}, one of the illustrations shows a laptop.

In larger documents with multiple references, it's helpful to use concise labels to avoid confusion.