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Biomedcentral is a gateway to full text, mostly peer reviewed articles in many aspects of the life sciences and allied fields. In addition to primary source biology articles, Biomedcentral's blogs are credible secondary/general sources. This handout helps you explore and take advantage of Biomedcentral step by step.
You can reach Biomedcentral via its own URL: Bookmark this if you want to use this source frequently.
Finally, you can search BioMedCentral...
Biomedcentral's inconspicuous keyword search box is in the top right corner of the page
A narrow life science topic nearly always contains two ideas. For example, Tasmanian devil facial tumor disease is Tasmanian devil AND tumor. The AND is not a word, but an operator that selects only the overlap between Tasmanian devil and tumor. Also think of synonyms for your topic. For example cancer for tumor. |
Type your search into the box with the AND and click the little, gray, magnifying glass.
Biomedcentral presents articles in groups of ten (10). Scroll among articles on a page and move between pages with the arrows on the top and bottom of the page.
To see an article's full text click on its, blue title. Articles appear as full text HTML with images. They also have DOIs. Cite them as scholarly articles from the web. There are no ready made citations, but there is enough material to create your own citation with a cheat sheet. |
To print an article, download it as a PDF first. Make sure you have it open in FireFox, Chrome, or Adobe NOT Edge. You can also save your PDF article to your flash drive or upload it to OneDrive or Google Drive.
To start another Biomedcentral search, type it into the searchbox in the top right corner of the page.
To end a Biomedcentral session, close your browser or tab.