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Cochrane Library consists of terse, medical, literature reviews that help find best practices for diagnoses and interventions. Cochrane is an authoritative, if somewhat skeptical, voice for evidence based medicine. Here is how to use it step by step.
1) Start with the library web page
2) Choose C from the alphabet beneath the big search box. Scroll down to Cochrane Library and click it.
3) Cocharne Library offers you four ways to explore. |
1) Medical searches frequently contain two concepts. For example nutrition for cancer patients, searches as AND Cancer . The AND brings the two ideas together so you can search where they overlap.
3) Cochrane Library presents results in groups of twenty-five (25). 4) The different color tabs beneath the article code for different sorts of research. Review means completed review.
5) To restrict only to completed reviews, click the Review radio dot i n the facets on the left side of the page. 6) To read a review, click on its blue title. 7) To move between pages of reviews, choose from the Pages links at the top and bottom of the results list. |
1) To print a Cochrane Review, make sure you activate your menu bar in Edge and FireFox and choose Print under File, or select Print from the right side top menu in Chrome. To activate a menu bar, right click in an empty area of the browser's top bar. (Please avoid the Edge browser.) |
2) Because Cochrane Reviews are long, you can save paper and printouts, by downloading a PDF version of your review. To obtain a PDF version,click the bright red PDF icon near the top of the page on the left side, then download your document. You can than attach this document to email to yourself or save it to a flash drive. 3) To email a Cochrane Review link toyourself, click the gray Share icon on the top right side of the page and select the gray email envelope. Note: email does not send whole articles just links. You will need to log into the library's databses at home to read the article. |
4) You can also use a Cochrane review for a source of actual primary literature, journal articles on your topic. To reach the articles scroll way down into your review or click the References to Studies Included link in the facets box on the right side of the page.
5) References in Cochrane Reviews come with SFX text links (like the blue or silver Find It box, as well as links to other publishers and providers). About half the references are actual full text.
6) The rest are available throgh interlibrary loan.