Reasons not to print the whole e-text file:
Use the book electronically or print a range of pages as you need them.
You cannot print or save documents from the Preview screen. If you need to print or save, follow these steps.
1. Go to your iCollege class and click on the PDF file to open the document in preview mode.
2. Click on either the download button or the download icon (circled in blue in the image below) to download the document. You do not need to wait on the document to finish loading in Preview mode.
3. You may need to respond to various pop-ups to allow the document to download. This includes “Enable Editing” in Microsoft software.
4. Once the document is downloaded, you can save the document and/or send it to the printer.
5. Select the desired printer. If desired, choose a page range, two-sided printing, and/or multiple pages per sheet. Send to printer.
Print a range of pages instead of the whole book
6. If using a campus computer:
· Enter your job name and your username in the pop-up box that appears.
· Log into the print management station to retrieve the print job. You will need your Panthercard or a Visitor card to print/pay for all documents.
Printing on Perimeter College Student Printers
Students and instructors can print the textbook without concern for copyright violations, but may not sell the text for profit. Printing for non-commercial use is permitted within the Creative Commons license.