Know when and how to cite your sources to give proper credit and avoid plagiarism!
This video will show you the basics of formatting in MLA 8th and 9th edition style, how to find the citation information, and how to use the citation helper. Note that the library catalog also has citation information and a format helper if you are looking for information for a book or video.
Looking for APA style? Try this video:
How to format citations in MLA style on your list of works cited:
Where do I get the information for my citations?
When printing a PDF document in EBSCOHost, be sure you have printed both the article and the citation information.
Many of these sources have citation helpers, but you cannot trust that the formatting is correct; always double check it yourself!
Always use citations when:
More help:
Zotero is a free citation management program.
Zotero helps you: