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Great Web Sites: General Research Guide: Maps and Statistics

Need to find quality material on the open web? Has your professor asked you to find a web page for your paper or Powerpoint, well look no further.

Statistical Sources

Stastistical Sources  little graphs full of stats

Here is where you find reliable web sources for statistics on everything from births and deaths to crude oil production. Many of these statistics are the products of government agencies and international bodies.

CDC Data and Statistics
This site offers health, mortality, and morbidity statistics sorted alphabetically, by topic, and reachable with a search engine as well as "Vital Signs" and "Community Health Status Indicators" Remember, those diseases covered by doctor-patient confidentiality have fewer statistics available than those that kill the patient or which are highly infectious. Note: as of November 2017, the search engine under General Public does not always yield expected results.

Georgia Bureau of Investigations -- Georgia Crime Statistics Database
This site features current statistics on crimes within Georgia. The database breaks down statistics by county. Look for a plain text link below several paragraphs and below the fold, and crime statistics by county have a separate link.

How Severe is the Pandemic where you Live?
This site opens with a Covid-19 dashboard where you can trace new cases down to the county level and also features visualizations of testing and hospital capacity. Further links lead to science articles. Receives updates daily or more often.

National Center for Educational Statistics
This site features statistics having to do with all aspects of education in the United States.

National Center for Health Statistics
Statistics on health and wellness, arranged by topic of interest, broad topic, and searchable with an engine. Remember nonlethal conditions that are covered by doctor-patient confidentiality yield fewer statistics than communicable diseases or those that cause loss of life.

Compare the United States to other developed countries, and compare other countries to each other across a range of social and economic indicators. Graphs are colorful and interactive.

National Transportation Statistics
The United States Department of Transportation offers fairly up-to-date statistics on everything from miles of highway built and number of pedestrians crossing the US-Canadian boarder, to state legislation on use of cell phones while driving.

Opportunity Insights: Economic Tracker
Track current business statistics such as unemployment, consumer spending, Covid-19, and education. The sight's slogan is "Track the recovery.,"

Our World in Data
The Oxford Martin Program in Global Development offers statistics on everything from average height over centuries to Covid-19.

Statistical Abstract of the United States Still as useful as ever, the government has outsourced Statistical Abstract to Proquest, and it is available on GALILEO. Statistical Abstract covers a wide range of publicly available statistics about business, population, geography, and more. And you can learn to search it step by step.

Survey of Current Business
The United States Department of Commerce' Bureau of Economic Analysis offers up-to-date and detailed statistics and charts on production and expenditures.

Trade Map Granular import export statistics by product and country. Also offers time series, monthly, and quarterly reports. The search engine is a bit tricky. Type in the first few letters of what you want, and be aware of alternate spellings.

UN Data A super fast search engine for United Nations' statistical data. The explore box on the left leads to browsable lists that often yield better results than keyword searching. You can restrict by country or year to make the tables manageably small.

Uniform Crime Reports
Current tables on violent crimes, property crime, law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty and much more. The approach is broad grained. Tables date from 2019, but the Crime Data Explorer's interactive charts are current and credible.

United Nations Statistics Division
Here are statistics from all over the world in both English and French. There are population, economic, geographic, and scientific statistics. They tend to be just slightly out of date, but many statistics take a while to go to press. Most of the statistics are in subtopics under Data. Look for the Demographic Yearbook and the Monthly Bulletin of Statistics Online.

United States Bureau of Labor Statistics
Your source for credible statistics on inflation/deflation, prices in general, unemployment, lay offs, and similar economic data.

United States Census
Offers fairly current and very detailed demographic data. The site is quite complex. To find detailed data, select Advanced Search within American Fact Finder under Data Tools and Apps, under Data. Step by Step Custom Tables with the US Census partially demystifies Census searching.

Maps and Atlases

Maps, Atlases, and Country Information  A not-so-little map

Here is where you can find: road maps, driving directions, maps of resources, and even world maps with fairly extensive country information. Some maps come from ad-supported commercial sources while most are the product of the United States government.

CIA World Factbook
Provides not only fairly basic political maps, but also current political history and relatively current events about the world's countries. Due to the site's sponsoring agency, the site has an obvious bias, but it still does a good, thorough job of listing basic facts.

Google Maps
This is the default mapping app that comes preloaded on your Android phone, but it is also a web page with much the same functionality and alas, the same privacy concerns as any other Google product.

Bing Maps
Microsoft's answer to Google Maps. The smooth interface lets you zoom in on street addresses and the bird's eye view let's you visit neighborhoods with a shcoking realism. Like Google Maps, Bing Maps provides lists of nearby services, but it lacks the general listings found on Google Maps, but Bing covers some locations unavailable on Google.

Google Maps
The map application on your phone. Google Maps is not just ubiquitous. It also offers the ability to make and save customized maps with markers for imporant places. It gives pedestrian as well as automobile directions, and street view shows landmarks.

The National Map
Multilayered, customizable maps of the United States or any part of the country, are just a  few mouseclicks away. Choose many of the green blocks in the center of the page and click the text link for a viewer on the following page.

US Bi-Lateral Relations Fact Sheets
Provides both maps and history, and cultural background information on the world's nations. Because it is a government source, the political information may be biased, but the basic facts offered and the maps are accurate and fairly current.

Countries and Areas
Provide in depth information on the history, geography, politics, and economies of countries all over the world.