Ayers, Edward L. "A More-Radical Online Revolution." Chronicle of Higher Education (The Chronicle Review), Feb. 4, 2013 (subscription required)
Ayers, Edward L. “Discovery in a Digital World,” EDUCAUSE 2012 Annual Conference, Nov. 9, 2012.
Lippincott, Joan K., Harriette Hemmasi, and Vivian Lewis. "Trends in Digital Scholarship Centers." CNI Fall 2013 Project Briefings, Dec. 10, 2013.
Lippincott, Joan K., Harriette Hemmasi, and Vivian Lewis. "Trends in Digital Scholarship Centers." EDUCAUSE Review Online, June 16, 2014.
Monastersky, Richard. "Publishing frontiers: The library reboot." Nature, March 27, 2013.
Sinclair, Bryan. "The University Library as Incubator for Digital Scholarship," EDUCAUSE Review Online, June 30, 2014.
Young, Jeffrey R. "Colleges Look to 'Big-Screen Research' to Stay Relevant and Collaborative." Chronicle of Higher Education, April 2012.
Zoss, Angela. "Visualizing: A New Data Support Role for Duke University Libraries," CNI Fall 2013 Project Briefings, Dec, 10, 2013.
Data Services & GIS
Duke Libraries - Data and GIS Services - http://library.duke.edu/data/
NYU Libraries Data Services - http://nyu.libguides.com/dataservices
U of Washington Libraries - Data Services LibGuide - http://guides.lib.washington.edu/data
Digital Scholarship Labs / Centers / Initiatives
Brown - Digital Scholarship Lab - http://library.brown.edu/dsl/ and
Case Western Library - Freeman Center for Digital Scholarship - http://library.case.edu/ksl/freedmancenter/
Columbia University - Center for Digital Research and Scholarship - http://cdrs.columbia.edu/cdrsmain/
Emory - Center for Digital Scholarship - http://digitalscholarship.emory.edu/
Notre Dame - Center for Digital Scholarship - http://library.nd.edu/cds/
Rice - Digital Scholarship Services - http://library.rice.edu/about/departments/services/dss/
University of Illinois - Scholarly Commons - http://www.library.illinois.edu/sc/
University of Oregon - Digital Scholarship Center - https://library.uoregon.edu/digitalscholarship
Virginia Commonwealth - Digital Pragmata - https://wp.vcu.edu/digitalpragmata/
Virginia Commonwealth - Virtual Creation Lab - http://vcuarchaeology3d.wordpress.com/ (note 3D scanning)
Visualization / Immersive Displays / 3D / Advanced Computing
Clemson - Brown Digital Resources Laboratory (DRL) - http://citi.clemson.edu/drl/
Duke - DiVE - http://virtualreality.duke.edu/
Duke Libraries - LINK MediaWall - http://link.duke.edu/media-wall
Johns Hopkins - BALAUR Wall - http://www.cs.jhu.edu/balaur/index.html
Idaho State - Idaho Virtualization Laboratory - http://ivl.imnh.isu.edu/LabInfo.htm (note: 3D scanning)
Northern Kentucky University - Griffin Hall, home of the College of Informatics, and Digitorium
Rice University - DAVinCI - http://viz.rice.edu/
University of Calgary - Visualization Studio - http://library.ucalgary.ca/visualization-studio (*good use of case studies)
University of Illinois at Chicago - Electronic Visualization Lab (evl) - http://www.evl.uic.edu/ and CAVE2 - http://www.evl.uic.edu/files/events/PlanarInstallation-Profile-Illinois-CAVE2.pdf
University of Texas at Austin - TACC - http://www.tacc.utexas.edu/home
University of Virginina - Viz Lab - http://www.uvacse.virginia.edu/visualization-lab/
Villanova - CAVE - http://www1.villanova.edu/villanova/media/pressreleases/2013/1023.html
Virtual Curation Museum at VCU - http://virtualcurationmuseum.wordpress.com/ (3D scanning with NextEngine)
Inspiring Spaces
NCSU - Technology Sandbox - http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/technologysandbox
NCSU - Hunt Library Technology - http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/huntlibrary/technology
NCSU - Photo and Video Gallery - http://www.lib.ncsu.edu/huntlibrary/photosandvideogallery
Washington & Lee - IQ Center - http://www.wlu.edu/iq-center
University of Victoria - Maker Lab in the Humanities - http://maker.uvic.ca/
Chattanooga Public Library - "4th Floor" - http://chattlibrary.org/4th-floor
Aarhus Public Libraries - https://www.aakb.dk/in-english
Delft Public Library (Holland) - DOK Library Concept Center - http://www.dok.info/
Ryerson University - Student Learning Centre - http://www.ryerson.ca/news/media/spotlight/slc/
Urban Observatory - http://www.urbanobservatory.org/ - from Richard Saul Wurman, Radical Media, and Esri. "A live museum with a data pulse" with "access to rich datasets for cities around the world that let you simultaneously view answers to the most important questions impacting today's global cities—and you. Compare and contrast visualized information for a greater understanding of life in the 21st century."
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia - The Cube. More at http://www.signagesolutionsmag.com/article/case-study-constructing-the-cube-19879
Visit to DiVE Duke immersive Virtual Environment - http://virtualreality.duke.edu/ - 10/07/2013.
More images at https://sites.google.com/site/ncvisit2/
CURVE Core Design Team and members of IS&T attended the second annual Designing Libraries for the 21st Century Conference at NC State's Hill Library - 10/6-10/8/2013
Presentations archived here: https://www.lib.ncsu.edu/designing-libraries-II/presentations
Visualization Studio at Hunt Library
A team from Georgia State visited NC State on 09/05/2013 to explore innovative spaces.
Photos and notes here: https://sites.google.com/site/ncstatevisit/
Christie MicroTiles wall in Hunt Library
Clemson visit on 09/30/2013. Special thanks to Galen Collier, Clemson Computational Scientist and Georgia State alumnus.
DRL - http://citi.clemson.edu/drl/
Bryan Sinclair
Associate Dean & Project Lead
Georgia State University Library
Krista Graham
Head, Digital Library Services
Khyle Hannan
Library Facilities Coordinator
Joseph Hurley
Interim Director, CURVE
Technical Advisors:
Keith Campbell
Director, Technology Engineering
Information Systems & Technology
Davide Gaetano
IT Architect
Information Systems & Technology
Jack Reed
Geospatial Web Engineer
Digital Library Systems, Stanford University Libraries