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Library Faculty Research Resources: Getting IRB Approval

Do I Need IRB Approval?

IRB Approval?

If you think your research may deal with live human subjects and gathers identifiable, private information, you will need IRB Training.

Of course not all research that takes place in a library fits the Federal definition of human subjects research. This is particularly true for autoethnography and/or examining nonidentifiable statistics.

On the other hand, IRB training qualifies you to obtain the approval needed to create questionnaires, usability testing, perform a variety of assessments, and publish your findings.

IRB training is free and takes from two to six hours, and the library has not had a representative on the Institutional Review Board. since the spring of 2017.



  • GSU University Reearch and Services Administration (URSA) -- URSA supports researchers, including librarians, with services, computing, and human subjects and ethics training.
  • Human Subjects (IRB) -- The primary goal of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) is to protect the rights and welfare of human research subjects recruited to participate in research activities conducted under the auspices of Georgia State University.
  • Integrated Research Information System -- Database for keeping track of human subjects (IRB) approval and research. You can log in with your campusid and password.
  • CITI Program -- CITI Program is the group that provides ethics and IRB training for those who plan to secure IRB approval. Access to courses requires registration and creating an CITI Program ID and password.

IRB Resources