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Science and Technology Sources - Handouts: Step by Step with Advanced Placement Source

Here you can find the handouts and instructions for using many of the library's Science and Technology databases as well as Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology.

Step by Step with EBSCOHost Advanced Placement Source

Step by Step with Step by Step with EBSCOHost Advanced Placement Source

EBSCOHost's Advanced Placement Source is an all purpose database with a strong business and technology emphasis. This handout takes you step by step through both basic and advanced searching.

  1. Before you touch the keyboard, think carefully about your topic. Most topics for college level, science and technology, papers have two main ideas in them. If your topic does not have two ideas, then you may want to narrow it down. A good example of a paper topic is: the danger of cell phone radiation.

  2. The main ideas in this topic are "cell phone*" and radiation. The "quotes" hold the phrase, cell phone(s), together and the * means single or plural. Danger disappears because radiation is almost always somewhat dangerous.

  3. To put these ideas together in a way that EBSCOHost Advanced Placement Source understands, your search statement becomes "cell phone*" AND radiation. The AND is not a word but a logical operator that tells the computer to look for all articles that deal with both radiation and cell phone(s). Here is how EBSCOHost Advanced Placement Source sees your search statement. The overlap between the circles is your search results.

    Boolean search diagram for cell phones and radiation

  4. To search EBSCO Advanced Placement Source, scroll down to the Databases by Name area on the library web page.

    Databases by Name on the library web page

  5. EBSCO Advanced Placement Sourcve opens when you click on it.

  6. Type your search statement in to the box in Basic Search. Don't forget to check off the Full Text box and include the AND.

    The Advanced Placement Source basic search screen

  7. Click the Search button to launch your search.

  8. EBSCOHost also hides subject headings beneath the Subject Thesaurus facet half way down the left side of the page. Click the small, light, gray arrow to open the box to see the headings.

  9. To see an article's abstract and full text where available, click on its blue title.

  10. To see an article that is a PDF file or PDF Full Text, click on its PDF icon.

  • To print an article, click on EBSCO's print icon.
  • To email an article, click on EBSCO's email icon and fill out the form.
  • To save an article to a folder you can open at home, login to your personal EBSCO account and then click on the folder icon.
  • To copy and paste persistent link to your article or search click the Permalink icon. Then copy and paste the long URL. Note: EBSCOHost breaks apart long, GALILEO, URLs when sending them automatically.

12. To end a seach in EBSCO Advanced Placement Source, click the Home icon in the browser's top row or close your browser.

EBSCOHost Advanced Placement Source

If you are visually oriented, want more space and flexibility, or plan to try several related searches, then EBSCO's Advanced Search is for you.

  1. Instead of using an AND between ideas in a search statement, in Advanced Search, you fill separate rows with your ideas, one row per idea.

  2. You can also put two or more synonyms for one idea together using OR, a logical operator joins synonyms as a single idea (not shown).

  3. In Advanced Search, fill in the multibox.

    An EBSCOHost Advanced Placement Source multibox

    Select Full Text, and click Search.

  4. If you want to modify an Advanced Search, edit one or more rows in the Advanced Search multibox near the top of the screen.