There are two logins.
1. The first login is unique for you and allows you to log in to either a GSU computer or to the secured GSU wireless network.
2. The second login is a general login listed below and allows you to login to OpenAthens which will give you access to the GSU Library's subscription content.
Instructions for Accessing Library Resources (After you are signed into GSU
wireless OR from a GSU computer):
Go to
Select “Sign in with an OpenAthens account”
Username: galihsstudents
Password: PantherTrail25$
- Select “Georgia State University Libraries: Databases A-Z Database List” from the MyAthens page
- Choose a database from the list such as Academic Search Complete, JStor, APA Psycinfo, etc.
- Or, use the Discover search (Like GALILEO) or library catalog search from the library homepage.
- (Note: This login works for on-campus access only and expires 1/31)
Accessing GSU Library Resources from your laptop:
1. Sign in with the secured GSU wireless network with provided login info
2. Sign in with OpenAthens using the provided login (Instructions above)
3. Now you can access online GSU library resources. Have fun!
- Note that hot spotting your phone or using your own wifi network will not work. This is on-campus only access and non-GSU internet will not work.
- For internet access, it will also work to use the GSU unsecured visitor wireless access if your device allows this.
- Visitor wireless is only available on Library North floors 1 and 2 and can be a bit spotty.