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KH4350: Professional Development(Spring 2025)


  • Type in a string of keywords (not phrases or sentences)
    • Example:  Diabetes exercise
  • Be specific. Avoid quotation marks. Avoid truncation (*)
  • Use more specific/important words first as order makes a difference
  • I got 12K+ results. It’s really too broad...maybe try: type 2 diabetes exercise.
  • It’s still too broad but try some filters.
  • You’ll see some filters to the left, you can choose some.
  • Choose “Additional Filters”>Make your selections> Click Show
  • They should now appear as options on the left, and now you still have to select the ones you want for it to filter.
  • Click the “full text” filter if you are in a hurry or don’t want to bother requesting the article through Interlibrary Loan. ILL is free for you. We can get most articles in 1-3 days.
  • Click the title of a result to see options for accessing the full text of the article

This simple search method in PubMed is recommended for most researchers. It auto maps to term variations and MeSH terms. However, if you desire, you can do much more complicated searches.

Try the filter randomized control trial  or clinical study/trial to limit to one of the research methodologies that will work for this assignment.