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EPRS8510: Qualitative/Interpretive Research in Education II (Fournillier, Fall 2024)

Select Databases

We have over 300 databases. The databases listed below are the most frequently used databases for education.  However, you may need to use different databases based on your topic.I recommend starting with the database ERIC since it is the primary database for education.

EBSCO Databases

Proquest Databases

Other Databases from independent vendors:

Google Scholar

Set up GSU as your library:

  • Open Google Scholar
  • Click on the menu option in the upper left. (It looks like three little horizontal lines.)
  • Select Library Links
  • Start typing in Georgia State University and select it in the box
  • Click save

Now when you do a search in Google Scholar, you should see the FindIt@GSU button to the right of most results Click that button to search the GSU databases for the article.