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Reproductive Rights: Periodicals

From the AJC Photographic Archives

Woman picketing with a pro-life sign in response to the Supreme Court ruling in Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, Atlanta, Georgia, July 3, 1989.

AJCNS1989-07-03-01g, Atlanta Journal-Constitution Photographic Archives. Special Collections and Archives, Georgia State University Library.

Searching for Relevant Periodicals

To find historical and current periodicals on reproductive-rights issues, try a subject search in GIL or GILFind, adding "Periodicals" to the search term or phrase.

For example:

  • Birth control Periodicals
  • Abortion Periodicals
  • Eugenics Periodicals

Underground Press Collection

The University of Georgia Library has the Underground Press Collection available on microfilm.

We may be able to receive reels of this collection via ILL. Request using the "Other (Free Text)" request option. Include:

  • the name of the newspaper
  • dates needed
  • that you are requesting microform

Contact Us!

Want to suggest additional resources for this guide?  Have a purchase recommendation?  Want to help with the oral histories projects?  Need assistance with finding resources?  Contact us!


Morna Gerrard

Gender & Sexuality Collections Archivist


Charlene Martoni

Outreach Librarian for the Social Sciences 

Major Databases for Reproductive Rights

Selected Historical Periodicals Available at GSU

From the AJC Photographic Archives

Women holding pro-choice signs at rally in response to the Supreme Court ruling Webster v. Reproductive Health Services, Atlanta, Georgia, July 3, 1989.

AJCNS1989-07-03-01e, Atlanta Journal-Constitution Photographic Archives. Special Collections and Archives, Georgia State University Library.

Reproductive Rights Periodicals in the Archives (Library South 8)

 The Women's Collections: Periodicals Collection includes many newsletters, newspapers and magazines produced by pro-choice organizations, and a few pro-life organizations.

The Archdiocese of Atlanta Pro-Life Newsletter Collection includes a wide variety of newsletters and newspapers distributed by pro-life organizations.

General Historical Periodicals Available Online

A selection of periodicals/primary source databases we have at GSU.

For more resources, see also: