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Comparative Study of Mysticism: Subject Guide: Visiting Other Libraries

Research tools and tips for the study of mysticism in various religious traditions

Before you go

Make use of GSU Library's resources and services first. Other libraries are staffed and equipped with resources that support their students/employees. If you have in-depth research questions, please contact the GSU Library or the Middle East Studies subject librarian.

Since some library resources are restricted to students/employees at these universities, you may want to call first to inquire about specific resources or information needed.

Any preliminary searching you can do before going to these libraries will help make your visit more efficient. Some of these libraries have only a few visitor workstations, so you may have to wait to use these computers.

Before you visit any non-University System of Georgia libraries listed on this page, you will need to get a special ARCHE borrowing card from the GSU Library Circulation Desk on the 1st floor of Library North.

Robert W. Woodruff (Main) Library

540 Asbury Circle
Atlanta, Georgia 30322
Reference Desk: 404-727-6875 or 404-727-6880

What to Take with You
  • A valid PantherCard
  • Visitors are not admitted after 9:00 pm Sunday through Thursday.
  • Call 404-727-6868 or visit link above for current hours.
Library Access
  • Except during exam periods, Emory’s main Woodruff Library is open to all non-Emory visitors. You will need to sign in at the security desk with a picture ID for library access.
  • GSU students and faculty with a valid PantherCard can set up a borrowing account at the Woodruff Library Circulation Desk during GSU Library business hours. Woodruff Library staff will need to call the GSU Library to confirm your enrollment status and ensure that you are in good standing with GSU Library. Woodruff Library borrowing privileges are conditional on approval from your library.
  • GSU visitors may borrow a total of 25 items from the Woodruff (Main) Library, Pitts Theology Library, Heilbrun Music & Media Library, and the Chemistry Library.
  • GSU visitors can borrow non-reference books for a 28-day period.
  • GSU visitors cannot check out CDs,  DVDs, or VHS tapes; they must be viewed within the library.
Electronic Resources
  • Two public workstations are located on the 2nd level near the Reference Desk. If you need to access a specific database or electronic journal, call the Woodruff Library Reference Desk (404-727-6875 or 404-727-6880) before you to go ensure that you will have access as a visitor.
  • Visitors have access to the Internet and can view PDFs and documents. However, there is no word-processing software loaded on the public computers.
Reference Desk
  • 2nd floor of the library
  • 404-727-6875 or 404-727-6880

USG libraries

With your PantherCard, you can visit and check out books from Georgia Tech, Clayton State University and any other University System of Georgia library.

Don't forget that you can also request books from any of these libraries through the Universal Catalog by placing a GIL Express Request.