Many libraries and organizations are making digital materials available online.
To find these collections, use a search string with terms relevant to your topic in Google or another search engine. For example:
digital collection site:edu "african methodist episcopal church"
You can also try the same search limiting to site:org rather than site:edu BUT:
Be careful!
EDU = educational institution
ORG = organization, which can mean almost ANY kind of noncorporate organization. If you aren't familiar with the organization, do some research on it! Who are they? What do they promote? Are they reliable?
* * * * * *
Questions to ask when you are assessing online primary-source collections:
Use Google, Wikipedia, & other sources to research the authors, organizations, or institutions responsible for the page and its funding.
Don't just trust the About page!
The Women's Collection is located in GSU's Special Collections & Archives on the 8th floor of Library South, including the following major collections:
Related collections in GSU's Special Collections and Archives include:
See also Special Collections & Archives' research guides (scroll down to "Special Collections and Archives) for more detailed information about their holdings.
For more information, contact Morna Gerrard, Women's Collection Archivist.
The GSU Library's Digital Collections have a number of collections relevant to Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, including:
A full list of the library's digital collections is available here.
The Library's Research Data Services team can help you find and use statistics and data for your research projects!
You can meet with a RDS team member during their drop-in hours (held in the Library's CURVE space on Library South 2) or by scheduling an appointment. RDS also offers workshops on various aspects of data searching, analysis, and visualization.
For more information about team members, areas of expertise, and scheduling, see the Research Data Services guide (or click on the "Research Data Services" tab above).
Many libraries and organizations are making digital materials available online.
To find these collections, use this search string in Google or another search engine, in addition to keywords relevant to your topic, for example:
digital collection library "sex education"
You can also try the same search limiting to site:org rather than site:edu BUT:
Be careful!
EDU = educational institution
ORG = organization, which can mean almost ANY kind of noncorporate organization. If you aren't familiar with the organization, do some research on it! Who are they? What do they promote? Are they reliable?
In this era of "fake news," don't just trust the information you see on a website's "About Us" tab or page.
Google the organization and learn more about them
from other sources.
You will need to log in with your Campus ID and password to use these databases off campus.
We have many more databases which include primary sources! See the Primary Sources: History guide for more information.
A resource for US and US women's history, specifically organized around the history of women in social movements in the US from 1600 - 2000.