A real estate research portal "designed to help you buy, sell, lease, exchange, develop, manage, and finance real estate" in Georgia. Provides access to property listings, demographic sources, and other real estate resources.
A regulatory body that protects the public interest. Provides information on how to become an appraiser and highlights regulations related to apprasials.
Great starting place for Atlanta economic growth and demographic information. Both the Newsroom and Economic Development sections contain resources on vitial statistics, economic outlook, and top employer lists.
The ARC compiles the most current Atlanta region data including population and economic data and provides statistics on issues such as transportation and smart growth land use practices.
Commercial real estate company. City Overview report provides general economic, demographic and commercial real estate information. Atlanta Review is a quarterly publication provides an in-depth Atlanta office, industrial and investment markets, with an emphasis on important trends in the marketplace.
Provides an interactive database of available buildings, a list of foreign based companies with operations in the state, links to existing Georgia industries and a host of other useful data.
This web site will customize the statistics, maps and graphs that you want from the latest data sources from the Georgia County Guide and the Farmgate Value Report. The site's purpose is to facilitate economic development by improving the information base available to decisionmakers in local government, schools and businesses. This is a service of the Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, Cooperative Extension Service, University of Georgia.