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Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID


Use to search for articles by DOI (digital object identifier) or PMID (PubMed ID). If the article is available in GSU's collection or via open access you will see options for the PDF and/or the article link. If the article is unavailable in the library's collection you will have the option to submit an Interlibrary Loan request.

The first time you use, (or after you clear your browser's cache) you may need to select Georgia State University as your organization.

LibKeyio select your organization

Once you have searched for a DOI or PMID, you will be brought to the LibKey landing page.


Navigating the LibKey landing page

The LibKey landing page appears the first time an article is searched during a browsing session, and allows you to choose your format preference. There are several components to this page:

  1. Choose your format preference from the available format options. Generally these are the PDF or the article link (html full text on the publisher’s site). In some cases, direct linking to the PDF is not available, so the article link may be the only option.
  2. If you check this box, the format choice is remembered in future sessions in the same browser for 24 hours. Future clicks on “Find It @ GSU will then bypass this “format chooser” landing page in favor of a direct link to the PDF or html.
  3. This option takes you to the table of contents view in BrowZine, so you can browse other articles in the same publication.
  4. Use this option if you are having trouble accessing the direct link or if you want to view the full list of article access options. This will take you to a page in GIL-Find where you can check GSU's library holdings for the journal or submit an ILL request.

LibKey format chooser page

Stable Linking

You can add "" in front of any DOI or PMID in your browser's search bar and will look for the article. can also be used to create stable links for sharing identifies where the user is coming from and how to route them to authenticate. More information is available in this linking syntax article.

Generic linking syntax - for sharing both within and outside the GSU community:[DOI or PMID]


GSU specific linking syntax - for sharing within the GSU community (this option embeds GSU's institution ID into the link, so already knows to search GSU's library collections):[DOI or PMID]
