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Case Competition - Business Resources: Referencing Sources

Why Refrence Sources?

While academic work draws upon the works of others and citing your sources is required, referencing your sources in experiential learning projects is flexible and depending on the needs of your clients and the requirements of your instructors.

There are several reasons to reference your sources in business consultation projects:

  • Demonstrate to your clients that you have done your research and used good sources of information.
  • Allow your clients to track your sources to better evaluate your argument and locate additional information.
  • Avoid plagiarism (see Georgia State University Academic Honesty Policy)
  • Meet licensing agreements of crediting the works of others.
  • Use a "Sources Consulted" section at the end of your report with some flexible citation format.

Copyright Awareness

You are personally accountable for respecting copyright and licensing requirements.. Violation of any of these restrictions could result not only in the loss of your own access to the information resources, but in the loss of access for the entire GSU community.

Examples of violation of copyright and licensing agreements:

  • Provide your clients access or passwords to university library databases.
  • Download articles and business reports to give to your clients.
  • Profit financially from the use of library database materials.