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Case Competition - Business Resources: Research Resources

Types of information

Information sources for business come in a variety of types. Some of the most common types you will use include:

  • Newspapers
  • Trade publications
  • Magazines
  • Scholarly journals

Atlanta Business Chronicle's Book of Lists

Robinson College of Business students, faculty and staff have full access to the Atlanta Business Chronicle online. The Atlanta Business Chronicle will compliment your academic learning with local Business News throughout the Atlanta metropolitan area, and across 18 different industries locally. Access the Atlanta Business Chronicle Weekly Edition, Books of Lists, Local Search Archives, Back Issues from the past six years, and much more!  

To gain access, simply click on the Link below to “Create Your Free Membership/Business Journal password” or Sign-In if you already have a Business Journal password tied to your university email address for instant access with your or email address:

 Business Journal Training Video: This 4-minute video gives students, faculty and staff great insights to what the Business Journal offers users with their access and how to best navigate the site:

Please contact Robinson's Career Advancement Center if you have further questions. 


Article Resources

While the library has some journals, magazines & trade publications in print on the first floor of Library North, far more are available through the databases that are available. A selection of some places to start with research:

  • ABI/Inform Complete  - good for articles, news and trade publications
  • Business Source Complete - Company profiles, SWOT analyses, market research, trade publications
  • Google Scholaran excellent way to locate scholarly resources. Link your your Google Scholar's Settings to Georgia State University Library will let you quickly find out if we have access to that item through the library's resources. 

Business Consulting Books in the Georgia State University Library

The Library has a number of books focused on business consulting and communication in business. Some of these items are listed below. To find others, check the items close to these on the library shelves, or try searching for some of these terms:

  • Business consulting
  • Business communication
  • Business presentations

Sample Resources